Support for Change

Advice, Amazing Career Success, Careers, Challenges, Inspiration for Change, Leadership, Professional Growth, Support for Change, Thought Leadership, Women in Leadership How To Assess Poor Managers In Your Organization And Train Better Ones Part of Kathy Caprino’s series “Today’s True Leadership”   Recently, I was interviewed by Radhika Panjwani for the Canadian newspaper The Globe & Mail, exploring the topic of why promoting your star employee into a managerial role may not be a good... Read More
Communication, Inspiration for Change, Knowing Yourself, Most Powerful You, Personal Growth, Professional Growth, Support for Change, Tips for Empowerment, Uncategorized 7 Things Never To Say or Do When Someone Shares They’re Going Through a Terrible Time Part of Kathy Caprino’s series “Bringing Compassion Forward In Life and Work” Have you ever been going through a very difficult time in your life, and you begin talking about it with friends, colleagues or family members, only to... Read More
Advice, Best Work/Best Life, Breakthroughs, Challenges, Feeling Your Best, Finding Brave, Inspiration for Change, Knowing Yourself, Personal Growth, Support for Change, Wake Up Calls, Wellness at work, Work-Life Balance 6 Toxic Behaviors That Repel People and Opportunities: How To Tell If You’re Engaging In Them Part of the series “Becoming The Most Positive You” In my line of work, I hear from hundreds of new people each month, and I often connect with professionals in a public, open way but privately as well. Through... Read More
Advice, Amazing Career Success, Challenges, Communication, Leadership, Professional Growth, Support for Change, Thought Leadership, Training, Women in Leadership The Worst Blunders Inexperienced Managers Make That Hurt Their Teams And Work Cultures Part of Kathy Caprino’s series “Helping Your Team, Workforce and Culture Thrive” In working with many new and inexperienced managers over the past 16 years, and in my own former corporate career, I’ve seen that it’s very common for... Read More
Advice, Brave Up, Breakthroughs, Challenges, Close Your Power Gaps, Empowerment, Feeling Your Best, Finding Brave, Inspiration for Change, Knowing Yourself, Most Powerful You, Professional Growth, Support for Change, Tips for Empowerment, Yes I Can Thinking Why Women Shun Power and How That Hurts Them Every Day Part of Kathy Caprino’s series “Becoming The Most Powerful You” Over the past 16 years of coaching and training professional women around the globe, and before that in 18 years of corporate life and working as a therapist, I’ve... Read More
Advice, Careers, Impact, Leadership, success, Support for Change, Thought Leadership, Training How CEOs Must Reset Their Organizations Today To Survive The Great Resignation Part of Kathy Caprino’s series “Today’s True Leadership” Today’s workplaces are facing ever-evolving challenges that are unprecedented—including remote work plans, vaccination mandates, the Great Resignation and more, and these challenges have left many CEOs and leadership teams searching for guidance. How can... Read More
Breakthroughs, Careers, Close Your Power Gaps, Empowerment, Following Your Dreams, Impact, Inspiration for Change, Knowing Yourself, Most Powerful You, Personal Growth, Support for Change Why The Vast Majority of New Year’s Resolutions Fail (And a Better Way To Set Critical Goals) The vast majority of New Year's resolutions fail, most by February. There are key, clear reasons for that, But there is a better way to construct your goals and approach them, so they can become a reality in the... Read More
woman with elbows propped up looking down at laptop with a smile
Best Work/Best Life, Career and Life Satisfaction Survey, Careers, Challenges, Close Your Power Gaps, Impact, Inspiration for Change, Support for Change, Wellness at work How DEI Efforts In The Hybrid Work Model Improve Success And Employee Well-Being Part of Kathy Caprino’s series “Supporting Today’s Workforce” In these unprecedented times, millions of professionals have experienced an exponential rise in stress, emotional challenges, overwhelming new responsibilities and more, and these challenges have impacted their well-being both at work... Read More