Delivered by Kathy Caprino, M.A. – LinkedIn “Top Voice,” internationally-recognized top-rated women’s career and leadership coach, Senior Forbes contributor, host of Finding Brave podcast, speaker, and author of the book The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths to Career Bliss
Why You Need To Stop “Hiding” on LinkedIn and Share Your Powerful Personal Brand There
LinkedIn is THE professional networking platform of choice, with over 1 billion users around the world. LinkedIn is where hiring managers, recruiters, HR leaders and other top professionals go first to learn about you and your work, and to keep abreast of new professional trends, opportunities and connections.
Are you making the most of this powerful platform, building your LinkedIn profile and presence, sharing your thought leadership and creating a support network of great colleagues, mentors and thought leaders, in a way that will help you stand out and achieve your most thrilling career visions and goals?
For the vast majority of my clients and course members, the answer is sadly “No.”
In this unique Power Up Your LinkedIn Profile and Presence, Kathy helps you take the most essential steps on LinkedIn to present yourself at the highest level and make the most of all that LinkedIn has to offer, including:
1) Generating powerful mentors and “ambassadors”
2) Expanding your reach and connecting with people who can supoprt you
3) Learning new professional growth strategies and concepts
4) Receiving wonderful endorsements for the great work you do
5) Attracting new roles that will be fulfilling and rewarding
What Kathy Offers In This Program
She’ll share with you key do’s and don’ts regarding ways to improve your professional presence on LinkedIn. You’ll learn how to present your own thought leadership, describe your work and career accomplishments compellingly, and stand out from the competition. You’ll also learn how to attract great new opportunities, roles and connections, so you can succeed in more expansive and impactful ways, doing great work you love and are proud of.
Why Hire Kathy to Help You on LinkedIn and To Grow Your Career?
As a “Top Voice” on LinkedIn and an internationally top-ranked career coach and leadership voice for women, she knows how to leverage the amazing power and reach of this exciting platform, and loves to teach others how to expand their reach as well.
Kathy has experienced the power of LinkedIn for over 10 years, achieving over 860,000 followers, and over 5 million views of her LinkedIn posts and articles. Her LinkedIn newsletter The Finding Brave Circle has now garnered 150,000+ subscribers, and her Forbes blog “Career Bliss,” and her personal blog have over 41 million views.
When Kathy’s first LinkedIn article went viral in 2014 with 3 million views, an amazing LinkedIn video production team filmed Kathy in her home and community in Connecticut, to talk about Why I Publish On LinkedIn, and filmed this segment:
LinkedIn video on Kathy’s work and Why I Publish On LinkedIn: My Tribe Is Here
This type of exposure helps us make the impact we long to, as well as connect with amazing colleagues we can learn and grow from. AND we experience opportunities that would not be possible otherwise.
As a former marketing and product management VP and in running her top-rated career and leadership coaching and consulting business Kathy Caprino LLC, Kathy has learned (and will teach you) powerful digital networking and communication strategies that will help you make the impact you long to, sharing your unique work, projects and ideas you’re most proud of.
How LinkedIn Helps Us Connect To Important Growth Opportunities
In her latest book, The Most Powerful You and latest video course – The Most Powerful You – Kathy walks professionals through the 7 most damaging power and confidence gaps that block 98% of professional women and 90% of men from reaching their highest, most rewarding potential and goals in their careers and professional lives. One of the most prevalent gaps is Power Gap #4: Isolating From Influential Support (71% of professionals have this gap!). When we’re isolating, we simply cannot thrive at the highest level and achieve what we long to.
Here’s more about this damaging Power Gap and how to close it:
Stop isolating, and start growing – get connected through LinkedIn!
Through this 2-session LinkedIn coaching/consulting program, Kathy will guide you to learn:
- How to avoid the three biggest mistakes professionals make on LinkedIn
- A proven formula to make your headline ring out (and what it absolutely should NOT be)
- What NOT to do in communicating your current and past roles
- How to have others speak highly of you and give your profile and accomplishments more credibility
- How to craft new language to describe your best work, enhance your job descriptions and power up your professional summary so readers will understand clearly all that you have to offer, what you’ve accomplished, and why that matters
- How to obtain powerful recommendations and testimonials, and give them (and why you should)
- Key ways to connect with influential mentors and supporters, and build a support network that uplifts you
- Strategies to share your thought leadership and curate great content while connecting with influencers who can help you
Who will benefit from this LinkedIn training?
This program is for any professional at any level looking to uplevel their professional impact and success and:
- Land ideal new roles
- Build and share your unique thought leadership
- Connect with inspiring, helpful colleagues, mentors and sponsors who can help you move forward
- Share your compelling and competitive personal brand
Register today and get moving fast using LinkedIn as a tremendously powerful (and exciting) tool to fuel your growth and success!
Program Fee –
Upfront payment (Saves 5%) – $595 for two, 30-minute LinkedIn Consulting sessions with hands-on copy, marketing, networking guidance
2 monthly payments of $312.50
* * * * *
For longer-term coaching support, check out Kathy’s “Jumpstart Your Career Success” program and her Career & Leadership Breakthrough program.
For full resume writing services, please feel free to reach out to my colleagues Marty Weitzman and Cynthia Hanson for more information and support.
For more free resources on building a more compelling profile and becoming more active and effective there, to dramatically boost your success, see below:
LinkedIn video on Kathy’s work and Why I Publish On LinkedIn: My Tribe Is Here
Click below to access Kathy’s July 2021 interview on LinkedIn’s “Career Talks” series, hosted by Andrew Seaman, LinkedIn Senior Editor of Jobs Search & Careers at LinkedIn News:
Download your FREE LinkedIn Summary Guide!
Click below to access the slides from Kathy’s 2018 Forbes webinar on “Polish Your LinkedIn Profile for Success”
Kathy’s video on How To Leverage LinkedIn To Build Your Personal Brand
Kathy’s Finding Brave podcast interview — Why You’re Still Hiding On LinkedIn — with personal branding and LinkedIn experts William Arruda and Ora Shtull
Kathy’s Finding Brave podcast interview with Austin Belcak – Building a Crazy Effective Resume That Gets Real Results
And read Kathy’s articles below with hands-on guidance on expanding your career, boosting your success, sharing your a compelling personal brand, building a fantastic supportive network, landing juicy roles and more from your LinkedIn activity:
5 Things Your LinkedIn Profile Reveals About You That You Don’t Want It To
The Biggest Error Thousands of Professional Make On LinkedIn Each Day
How To Reach Out To a Stranger on LinkedIn and Make a Connection
It’s Unanimous: The Top 10 LinkedIn Profile Headlines from Job-search Experts
Published on Forbes:
5 Ways to Share Your Thought Leadership On LinkedIn and Expand Your Career
Should You Include Your Volunteer Experience On Your Resume and LinkedIn
And Kathy’s e-book, written for Kathy’s community by personal branding expert William Arruda: