Amazing Career Certified Coaches - Kathy Caprino

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Amazing Career Certified Coaches

I’m very happy to introduce you to our Amazing CareerTM  Certified Coaches!

In 2016, Kathy Caprino launched her Amazing Career Coach CertificationTM training program, offered through Kathy Caprino LLC and designed exclusively to teach, train and guide career and leadership coaches to leverage Kathy’s Amazing Career Project proprietary training material and coaching framework within their own coaching practices that are focused on supporting the advancement of women at work.

Amazing Career Certified Coaches are intensively trained for 17 weeks in Kathy’s proven model for career and leadership transformation that has been honed over the past 16 years of coaching and training over 20,000 professional women worldwide. The program also shares learnings from over 500 interviews Kathy has conducted for her Forbes column “Career Bliss” and Finding Brave podcast, and from her two books — Breakdown, Breakthrough and The Most Powerful You — featuring many of the nation’s (and global) top leaders, business experts, coaches, consultants, legal minds, educators, writers, entrepreneurial gurus, creatives, and more. These insights cover topics that are essential to women’s personal and professional growth and success.

AC Certified coaches have been rigorously trained, mentored and supported to utilize her Amazing Career Project program to help their clients transform their careers, work-lives, leadership and communication approaches, and ultimately close their power and confidence gaps to achieve the impact and fulfillment they long for and deserve.

I’m honored to share more about our Amazing Career Certified Coaches below!

Current Amazing CareerCertified Coaches


Karen Retardo‘s mission is to empower quietly ambitious immigrant women of color (IWOC) to transform self-doubt and fear into confidence and courage, propelling them toward their goals and dreams. Her dedication to guiding IWOC along their unique personal and professional journeys springs from her
own experiences. Karen’s empathetic approach, cultivated from her personal journey as an immigrant woman of color, allows her to provide heart-centered support in facilitating others to realize their aspirations.

From her own experiences – starting anew in a foreign country, taking leaps of faith literally and metaphorically, and steering through tough professional conversations – Karen has learned to embrace uncertainty and fear. Her personal growth journey has shaped her courage and self-confidence, which she passionately fosters in her clients and colleagues.

Karen’s deep passion is supporting nurses and women in healthcare, as they face unique and ever-evolving challenges, especially in our post-covid world. Karen is a firm believer in the power of self-leadership, asserting that one doesn’t need an impressive title to make a substantial impact. By championing this principle, she aims to inspire more women to exercise leadership from their current positions and make a positive contribution to society.

Karen also leverages her coaching abilities in her service as an Inpatient Utilization Management/Case Management Nurse at Providence Health Care. In addition, she is a trained #IAmRemarkable facilitator, leveraging this empowering Google-sponsored training which has become a global movement that empowers everyone, including underrepresented groups, to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond while challenging the social perception around self-promotion.

Karen’s academic credentials include a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines, and a Master of Arts in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica, California. She is a Certified Gallup Strengths Coach, and an ACC professional coaching certification holder from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). With Karen’s extensive background and personalized approach, she is committed to uplifting and transforming lives, one conversation at a time.

Karen shares this about the Certification training (see full testimonial on Kathy’s LinkedIn profile recommendations):

“I had the great privilege of having Kathy Caprino as my mentor coach through the Amazing Career Certified Coach training, and I cannot speak highly enough of her expertise, dedication, and transformative approach to career advancement. As the author of “The Most Powerful You”, Kathy masterfully integrates her rich knowledge into actionable steps and insights, enabling individuals like me to find our most authentic selves and thrive in our professional lives… With so many coaches and mentors out there, Kathy Caprino stands out as a luminary. Her profound insights, coupled with her compassionate approach, have been nothing short of life-changing for me. I wholeheartedly recommend Kathy to anyone looking to elevate their career and personal journey to new heights.” 

For more information, visit Karen Retardo.


Cynthia Radford is the Master Facilitator for the Amazing Career™ Coach Certification and a highly experienced Executive Coach.

Following corporate roles in Management and Organization Development, Cynthia launched her own consultancy where she’s helped diverse teams and leaders from more than forty countries align, thrive and accomplish important work. Netflix, BMW, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Fossil, MetLife China, Red Bull, Düsseldorf University, NASA, Microsoft Latin America, Coca Cola, Aegon Asia, American Express, NBC Universal and Hilton are a few of the organizations Cynthia’s been honored to serve the past twenty-plus years.

She holds an MS in Instructional Design from Purdue University and taught on the adjunct faculty at Furman University where her subjects included Global Leadership, Leading Change, Creativity, and Building Effective Teams.

She’s been described as passionate, knowledgeable and a breath of fresh air while working across the United States and in Argentina, Canada, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, England, Ireland, Germany, Thailand, Switzerland, France, Colombia, Malaysia, and Australia.

Cynthia facilitates higher level conversations, community and reflection to replenish women so they can keep making our world a better place and achieve soulful success.

Please visit to learn more about Cynthia and her work.


Beata - colored background - WEB 600pxBeata Dziedzic is a cross-border career coach and intercultural trainer, who loves coaching women leaders to help them discover their new career path abroad.

Her passion has always been helping people and organizations to reach their full potential, implement changes, and successfully embrace challenges in a multicultural world. Her career spans Europe and Asia. While working in London, she assisted companies like Siemens, Barclays Bank, Capgemini, Infosys, Volvo, and many others to acquire niche talents and improve their staffing strategy.

In 2011, Beata moved to Beijing as an HR & intercultural consultant. She delivered training to individuals, start-ups, MNCs, and NGOs, including Networkers, Mars, Daimler, GSK, CNOOC, and SACE Foundation.

She also discovered her calling for career coaching – she combined that with her international recruitment expertise. Both of these skill sets enable her to advise people on how to find careers they will love and build strong online brands.

In 2014, she relocated to Prague, where she co-founded Coachify – a location independent company providing its clients with a unique blend of cross-border career coaching and social media consulting.

Throughout her career, Beata has designed various types of training that have served over 500 people from 40 countries, including the US, Canada, India, China, South Korea, Japan, as well as European and African countries. She has delivered training and coaching to multinational groups, including graduates, middle to senior managers, and CxO level execs.

For more information about Beata, please visit



Versión 2Nadina Rivas is an entrepreneur, Communications and Reputation Coach, and Associate Director at AUDIENZ. She has over 22 years of professional experience in communications and management of corporate and personal reputation.

Nadina is also certified as a Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner and as Coaching Genius of the International Society of Neuro-Semantics, ISNS. She is a member of the Board of Vital Voices El Salvador, Fellow of the Central America Leadership Initiative and the Aspen Global Leadership Network.

For more information about Nadina, please visit



Anita Greenwood is an Executive Coach and Leadership Developer dedicated to helping high achieving women make progress on their most challenging issues, attain the professional success and compensation they aspire to, while avoiding burn-out.

A former Fortune 250 Sales and Marketing executive and mother of three, whose career spans London, Paris, New York and Kansas, Anita left her successful, but highly stressful corporate career to found Bridges and Wings, a company that helps women and businesses bridge the gap to greater success, and grow their wings, so they can rise higher. A top-level coach for women leaders who seek to bring their whole self to work, achieve both professional and personal success, and become powerhouse leaders of impactful change, Anita specializes in helping mid-to-senior level women increase their influence and successfully navigate male dominated work environments or management teams.

Anita is an ICF certified coach, a Level II Leadership coach, an amazing Career certified coach, a seasoned negotiator and a certified teacher of Adaptive Leadership.

A strong believer in the infinite potential of all women to power-up their career and life no matter where they start, no matter what they have experienced, Anita considers herself an overcomer and has been a featured speaker at many women’s leadership conferences and Disrupt HR where she passionately speaks about “Inner Power Lifting” and “Learning to play with the boys!”

Anita coaches and delivers training for corporations and private clients. You can learn more about her at and



Janine Manning is a career strategist and formidable motivator, Janine expertly combines career coaching with personal branding to inspire professionals to stamp their unique version of outstanding on the world.

Janine has personally embraced two career transitions and four relocations in her pursuit of a fulfilling career and abundant life. Her quest was born from feeling like she never brought her whole self to her work. She wanted to know what it felt like to show up every day and hustle for something that felt real and deeply engaging. To be outstanding.

Having found her ultimate career, Janine now leverages her 15 years of global marketing experience and ten years of coaching and facilitating corporate and private clients in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and throughout Asia, to bring a laser-focus to her
client’s quest.

Australian born and Hong Kong based since 2014, Janine’s awareness of the subtle cultural nuances and belief systems present in different regions equips her to understand and unlock the barriers to success for her global client base. Janine especially  enjoys supporting local talent to realize their international business potential and is a champion of women’s empowerment through her Domestic Helper Community program called Goal Setting for
Dream Making.

Janine holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Curtin University of Technology in Australia, a PCC Certification with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), a Lambent International Coaching Certification (ICC, EQA EMCC), certification as a Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Integrative Enneagram Practitioner; and most recently as an Amazing Career Certified Coach.

For more information visit: and



Jane Zakreski is a professional career and conflict coach dedicated to helping women wake up, speak up, show up strong and claim bigger dreams.

Jane knows first-hand that life does not always go as planned and our “happily ever after” sometimes gets derailed.
The good news is, if we tell the truth, we can create space for greater possibilities.

Getting back on track begins with painfully honest answers to two questions: “What is essential for me to be satisfied at this time in my work and life? Who do I need to become to achieve my definition of success?”

Countless times, Jane has witnessed the power of using this personal clarity as the foundation for work and life design. When coupled with the courage to act and collaborate with others,
transformation happens.

Jane has a Master’s degree in Education, and her graduate research focused on facilitating transformative learning. She is also a trained interest-based mediator, negotiator, and conflict resolution expert.

Jane coaches professional women of all ages, in various career stages, who want to communicate more assertively and quit avoiding tough conversations at work.

Jane lives in Edmonton, Alberta and has coached over 2000 leaders and professionals in the Canadian private and public sectors.

Jane specializes in coaching women who want to thrive at the work they love, to live the life they want, and to make collaboration with others work.

Contact Jane at and see the full scope of Jane’s work.



Eva Farkas is a passionate natural leader, executive and leadership coach on a mission to support the empowerment of women globally. She deeply cares about
the feminine rising and works with a broad combination of innovative approachesbin her coachings, corporate and open trainings to generate deep impact and transformation.

A former C-level executive, she draws from 15+ years experience in service, IT and technology, finance, pharmaceutical, retail, manufacturing, and education industries. She left her corporate career to find her calling in serving women to uncover, tap into, build and share their authentic feminine power. Always on the lookout for opportunities to evolve herself, she learned scuba diving to  overcome hydrophobia. Martial arts training is an excellent tool for her to practice balance and control, and she found the courses in software development and the Scrum Master certification helpful to understand the mindset of her clients in Silicon Valley. Eva is a certified meditation and mindfulness teacher, blending ancient
teachings with the latest scientific research and methodologies.

Based out of San Francisco Bay Area, California, Eva works with her
international private and corporate clients globally in English, German and Hungarian.

For more information, please visit:, and follow



Damaris Negron, MA– Engineer, life coach, businesswoman and professional trainer. Holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering and a Master’s in Transpersonal Psychology. Throughout the 24 years of her career, Damaris has led and supported organizational changes in Fortune 500 companies and others. In 2016, she started a transformational journey. While working in a managerial position at an electric power plant in her native island of Puerto Rico, she felt a huge gap between where she was at that point of her life and where she wanted to be. The stress and demands of her job permeated all aspects of life leaving her drained, exhausted and depressed. A major change was needed so she started searching for support to transition from being a full-time employee to entrepreneur. That’s when she found about Kathy Caprino’s Amazing Career Project. She enrolled immediately and the rest is history. After finishing the program, she also enrolled in the Amazing Career Coaching Certification and became one of Kathy’s certified coaches. In 2017, Damaris left her full-time job to establish her own business, just when hurricane Maria devastated the Island. After months without power and communications, she finally emerged and established her freelance career as a consultant, coach and yoga teacher. Now she is living her dream of supporting other professionals in their journey to find inner peace and purpose.

For more information on how Damaris can support your journey to get the most out of your career while finding inner peace and wellbeing visit her at Facebook: DNA Coaching or via email: Spanish and English speakers are welcome!


For more about the Amazing Career Coach Certification Program, visit or contact Kathy here.