Kathy Caprino, M.A.
You're invited to a free 90-minute training on
7 Ways To Rapidly Elevate Your Career By Boosting Your Power, Confidence and Impact
on July 14th at Noon
With Top Career, Executive and Leadership Growth Coach, Senior Forbes contributor, Author and "Finding Brave" Expert
Kathy Caprino, M.A.
Tuesday, February 2nd at 12pm EST
If you’re a professional woman wanting more impact, authority, success and reward in your career and work-life, and you want it now, this Webinar will be extremely valuable.
Join Kathy for 90 minutes of powerful and practical career- and leadership-boosting strategies and solutions for rapidly transforming your career and achieving the highest level of success, reward and fulfillment you long for.
THIS WEBINAR WILL TEACH ESSENTIAL INFORMATION YOU NEED TO KNOW NOW to transform your career with more positive power and authority.
You'll learn:
What is Positive Power and Why You Need More of It For a Successful, Thrilling Career
Thousands of professional women know they want more, different and better for their careers, but have no idea how to get it. Before you can build an amazing career, you have to know exactly what you’re capable of, what's possible, and what steps to take that will make you the happiest going forward.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
1. An overview of the 7 most damaging power gaps professional women face today and why.
3. Learn what you’re passionate about, and how to build a great, lucrative career from that (without losing money, risking everything and forsaking other priorities.)
4. Gain the confidence to push past your inertia, fear of failure and fear of success.
What It Looks and Feels Like To Be a Brave and Powerful Professional and Leader
There are core blocks, fears and power gaps in your way right now, or you’d have a fabulous career already. You’ll learn how to see them for what they are, and navigate through them successfully.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
1. How to identify your specific obstacles, where they came from and what they mean.
2. Practical steps to chunk down your fears so you can move through them.
3. How to embrace the mindset that you CAN create what you want, and you deserve to.
What Your Childhood Taught You That You Need To Unlearn
So many of us are still affected and even traumatized by what's happened to us in the past. Whether it's your childhood that taught you damaging lessons, or your time at work that hurt you (through a narcissistic boss, toxic colleagues, a troubled leadership team or a dysfunctional work culture), many thousands of professionals are experiencing shame, fear, anxiety and the "impostor" syndrome and they find it hard to thrive.
Here's what we'll cover:
1. How to tell if your past is negatively impacting you.
2. How to begin on the "finding brave" path to overcome past trauma or pain.
3. How to become stronger so that pain and trauma in the future won't continue to negatively impact you in the future.
The 7 Most Damaging Power Gaps You Need To Close
Based on Kathy's 15 years of coaching, leadership training, writing and speaking and her global research with professional women, she has uncovered the 7 most damaging power gaps that keep women from thriving, leading and impacting as they long to today.
98% of survey respondents have indicated they are facing at least one of these gaps, and over 75% are experiencing three or more at the same time.
Here are the 7 power gaps we'll cover:
Gap 1: Not recognizing your amazing talents, gifts and accomplishments
Gap 2: Communicating from fear rather than strength
Gap 3: Not asking for what you deserve
Gap 4: Isolating from influential support
Gap 5: Acquiescing instead of saying STOP! to mistreatment
Gap 6: Losing sight of your thrilling dream for the future
Gap 7: Allowing trauma from the past to define you
You'll learn key information you won't hear elsewhere that will help you assess if you are experiencing one or more of these gaps and what to do about it.
7 Bravery-Boosting Steps That Will Rapidly Transform and Improve Your Career and Professional Life
Career bliss doesn't just fall in your lap. You have to do the deep, personal work required and commit to ongoing efforts to grow and strenthen, and you need the right kind of support and process.
Closing your power gaps will totally tranform your life and career (it did for me and hundreds of others I've worked with), and you do that through 7 bravery-boosting paths.
Here's what we'll cover to help you finally be unabashedly successful:
U – UNDERSTAND who you really are and what you're capable of
N – NAME and communicate your thoughts, ideas and opinions with confidence
A – ASK for what you want and deserve
B – BOND and connect deeply with others who can help you
A – ADDRESS what isn't working and what is unfair in the treatment you're receiving
S – SERVE others and the world in ways that are thrilling and rewarding
H – HEAL and grow beyond your past
Join me for this vitally important training to learn how to become the most powerful version of you and build an authentically rewarding, successful and meaningful career you'll love.
7 Ways To Rapidly Elevate Your Career By Boosting Your Power, Confidence and Impact
Kathy Caprino, M.A. is an internationally-recognized career, leadership and personal success coach, writer, and speaker dedicated to the advancement of women in business. She is the Founder & President of Kathy Caprino, LLC and of The Amazing Career Project and The Amazing Career Coach Certification training program. Kathy is also the host of the Finding Brave podcast, a Top 100 Apple Career Podcast, and the author of the new book The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths to Career Bliss, as well as Senior Forbes contributor and leading voice on LinkedIn and Thrive Global.
© 2021 Kathy Caprino, LLC
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