FREE Assessments & Training - Kathy Caprino

Feeling stuck and not sure what you want?
Download my new e-guide "A Surefire Plan to Figuring Out Exactly What You Want" and watch "The Quickest Path to Your Happiest Career (and Life)".

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FREE Assessments & Training

Uncover your talents, strengths and values, and leverage them to build a joyful career and life…

Below is a collection of free surveys, assessments and quizzes I’ve developed, all designed to help you gain greater awareness and insight into your behavior, needs, values, talents, and your dreams and visions. You need to understand yourself much more deeply — and take authentic, aligned action — if you want greater happiness, success and fulfillment in your work.

Take these quizzes, assessments and challenges to help you understand just how amazing and talented you truly are, and what you need to do differently to create more joy in your life and work. Once you know and feel that, deep down to your toes, you’ll see that a brand new, exciting world is waiting for you – Kathy Caprino


THE QUICKEST PATH TO YOUR HAPPIEST CAREER (Click below for the free webinar):





LinkedIn is the professional networking platform of choice, with over 540 million users around the world. Many check LinkedIn at least once daily to keep abreast of new trends, opportunities and connections.

Are you making the most of this platform, building your professional presence in a way that will help you stand out and achieve visibility and impact?

Listen in to this free one-hour webinar complete with a Q&A discussion, presented by myself and Kimberly Horner, Forbes’ LinkedIn editor, on the top things you need to do on LinkedIn to present yourself at the highest level, including…

 Why it is critical to build your profile in a robust, confident and clear way (and what it says when you don’t)
 The three biggest mistakes professionals make on LinkedIn and how to avoid them
 What your headline should be doing that most are not
 How to leverage the platform fully to network with new colleagues, build a supportive community, demonstrate your thought leadership, and attract exciting new opportunities

…and much more.

Whether you are just starting out in your career or established and ready to make the next move, this webinar is for you for!

Click here to access the recording.



7 Power Gaps Survey 
Are you experiencing one (or more) of the 7 damaging power gaps that keep professional women from thriving, succeeding and rising in their work and careers?

In the past 15 years of working with thousands of professional women around the globe, my research has revealed that there are 7 damaging “power gaps” that professional women are facing in epidemic proportions today in their work and careers. These power gaps are debilitating and confusing, and they block women from reaching their highest and most thrilling and rewarding potential in their work.

When we’re stuck in these power gaps, we can’t experience the fulfillment we’re striving for, or receive the recognition, advancement and impact we deserve and want. In short, without access to internal and external power, career success and happiness (defined on our own terms) remain out of reach.

Take the Quiz HERE or click the image below to find out if you’re facing one or more of these 7 power gaps.



6 Dominant Action Styles Quiz
Learn your dominant action style and how to leverage it successfully 

To understand what inspires you to take action, and to be happy with who you are in taking that action, you need to understand “What motivates me? What are my values and preferences in terms of achieving a goal?” The more you can understand yourself and leverage your unique way of approaching life, the more you will be able to make decisions and pursue directions that will be authentically rewarding to you. In terms of how humans take action, and what motives them to action, my research has revealed that there are 6 dominant tendencies. There is some overlap of these approaches and tendencies in all of us, but there is one dominant style that reflects you at your core, essential and authentic state.

Take the Quiz Here


11 Ways to Uncover Your Passion

Do you struggle to understand what your “dream” role or career is? Do you want to connect with more passion, power and purpose in life and work but aren’t sure how?

Start by addressing these essential 11 questions (click the image below to access):


Kathy’s Career Path Self-Assessment Survey
Understand who you are more deeply, and what your career journey reveals about where to go next 

This specially-designed survey asks a series of vitally important questions that will help you build a happier, more fulfilling career. Completing this survey as honestly and thoroughly as you can will give YOU greater clarity and insight into where you’ve been and where you’d like to go in your professional life. And you’ll see more vividly the amazing talents, gifts and passions you can leverage to build a more successful career. Don’t make a single career move without knowing the answers to these questions! You’ll also receive my free 6-day Amazing Career Challenge, chock full of proven strategies and tips to move you forward to more happiness and reward in your work!

Note: If you’d like my feedback on your Assessment responses, or would like to receive hands-on support to build a powerful career development plan that draws on your experiences, passions and talents, click here to learn more about joining me in a career coaching program.

Complete the Survey Here



Career Success Readiness Quiz

The quiz is designed to help you quickly assess you and your career’s state of readiness for creating great success, happiness and reward (on your terms) in your professional life. These questions will give you only a 10,000 foot view (it’s virtually impossible to get to all the specifics and details with only 30 questions), but the results will offer you a solid look of where you are and where you may need to focus your energy going forward to build a happier, more rewarding career you love.

Take The Quiz Here


Career Success for Women: The Key Issues Women Face Today

Based on Kathy Caprino’s book, Breakdown, Breakthrough: The Professional Woman’s Guide To Claiming a Life Of Passion, Power and Purpose, her Forbes writing, and her national research and career coaching work with professional women, this challenge tests understanding of key concepts and strategies that help women build successful, rewarding and happy careers they love.

Take This Quiz Here and Find Out



Amazing Career 6-Day Challenge

So many people today know they want more, different or better in their lives and careers, but struggle with exactly how and where to start. They fret, worry and complain, but they don’t DO anything to bring about change. To help you take the first step today, I developed my 6-day Amazing Career Challenge. This quick, easy email series will jump start you and your life and help you get moving fast! Sign up for my 6-day Amazing Career Challenge series that offers 6 daily emails with potent information and guidance from my career success coaching and training work with over 10,000 women. It will pave the way for more happiness, success and reward – and greater impact – in your life and work.

Start the Challenge Here