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Communication, Inspiration for Change, Knowing Yourself, Most Powerful You, Personal Growth, Professional Growth, Support for Change, Tips for Empowerment, Uncategorized 7 Things Never To Say or Do When Someone Shares They’re Going Through a Terrible Time Part of Kathy Caprino’s series “Bringing Compassion Forward In Life and Work” Have you ever been going through a very difficult time in your life, and you begin talking about it with friends, colleagues or family members, only to... Read More
Advice, Brave Up, Breakthroughs, Feeling Your Best, Inspiration for Change, Inspiring Thoughts, Knowing Yourself, Most Powerful You, Personal Growth, Tips for Empowerment 5 Core Beliefs That Lead Us To Resist Facing Reality Instead Of Changing It Part of Kathy Caprino’s series “Becoming The Most Powerful You” In speaking to a friend this week who is dealing with an extremely narcissistic boss, something became even clearer to me than ever before: When we’re in an unhealthy, manipulative or... Read More
Advice, Amazing Career Success, Best Work/Best Life, Branding, Careers, Entrepreneurship, Following Your Dreams, Knowing Yourself, success, Work You Love, Work-Life Balance How To Create Your Legacy And Sell Yourself Through Your Personal Brand Part of Kathy Caprino’s series “Living and Working Better” Today, building a “personal brand” is something we hear about regularly in the media and in leadership, entrepreneurial and professional growth circles. But figuring out exactly what our personal brand... Read More