Brave Up, Breakthroughs, Careers, Empowerment, Inspiration for Change, Inspiring Thoughts, Kathy Caprino Top 10 Posts of 2016 From – What They Reveal About Our Hidden Challenges Written by: Kathy Caprino


In looking back over 2016, I’ve written over 150 posts in my four blogs, including here on, and on Forbes, LinkedIn, and Huffington Post. In each blog and for each specific audience, I attempt to focus on particular messages, information, resources, and interviews that I hope will be of help and benefit, given what I’m hearing from so many people about their challenges, fears, blocks, and their deepest desires.

This has been a banner year for me as as writer, reaching over 27 million (all-time) collective views on my blogs, and being selected by Feedspot as one of the top 100 career blogs on the web. Most importantly, I’m continually inspired and moved by you – my awesome tribe — and the thousands of brilliant questions and comments you share from your heart and soul.

The insights and challenges you offer – which are full of revelation, inspiration, bravery, hope, and faith — reveal that, despite what’s appearing right before our eyes both in our own country and around the world today, we remain fiercely hopeful and encouraged that we can forge a happier, more fulfilling and beautiful life and livelihood, and a more peaceful, loving world, and we’re committed to building it together.

The key topics I’m seeing emerge from this list of most widely read posts this year are about:
  • What we long for most, and also deeply regret
  • Our desire to finally start pleasing ourselves rather than exhausting ourselves to the bone pleasing everyone else
  • How we can communicate more powerfully and effectively
  • How to change careers successfully
  • Ways to figure out what we want, then brave up to get it
  • How to uncover and release the excuses and blocks that stand in the way of our greater happiness

Below are the 10 most popular posts from 2016 from this blog. I truly hope you find them instrumental in moving you forward to building a brave and brilliant 2017.

1. The Top 10 Things People Want In Life But Just Can’t Figure Out How To Get

I conducted a survey to my awesome community probing a number of critical life and career questions.Of all the things people indicated they want more of, these were the 10 most frequently mentioned.

2The Top 5 Regrets of Midlife Professionals

I’Its-time-to-BRAVE-UP.-1ve seen several core themes emerge around what makes mid-career professionals (and middle-aged people in general) feel the deepest regret.

These are the top five regrets I’ve heard from mid-career professionals around the world.

3. Let’s Take the “I’m Pleasing Myself” 30-Day Challenge – Please Yourself, For Once

You are the Its-time-to-BRAVE-UP.-1only person who will spend every minute of every day with you, for your entire life. Stop focusing on pleasing everyone else. Please yourself, and here’s how.



4One Communication Trait That Reveals Something Very Unflattering and Hurtful About YouIts-time-to-BRAVE-UP.-1

There’s one communication behavior that I’ve seen over and over in my own life and relationships, and now I’m hearing about it often from my clients, friends and from members of my courses and programs.

5. If You’re Not Being Understood, Say It Differently: 4 Key Ways To Improve Your Communications

Here Its-time-to-BRAVE-UP.-1are four ways to make your communications more compelling, engaging and clear, even in tense interchanges, so that you’ll be heard and understood, and valued.



6. Desperate For a Different Career? Change It, But Avoid These Top 5 Blunders

MaIts-time-to-BRAVE-UP.-1ke sure you take concrete steps necessary to do the internal work first to shift
yourself to a more positive, empowered state, and avoid the five top blunders so many career changes make.

74 Essential Steps To Figuring Out What You Should Be Doing With Your Career (And Your Life)

After 10 yearsIts-time-to-BRAVE-UP.-1 of career coaching now, I’ve seen that there are four critical steps that help people overcome their internal and external career challenges, and transform their lives.


8. 10 Ways To Brave Up: Gain More Power, Confidence and Authority in Your Life and Career TodayIts-time-to-BRAVE-UP.-1

Here are 10 critical ways that people need to ‘brave up’ today – address and move through their fears, revise their feeling of unworthiness, and overcome their concerns about being rejected, isolated and hated if they reveal and honor who they really are.

9. The Top 8 Excuses That Keep People From Taking Action They Desperately Need

Here are thiStock_000015159513_Mediume top 8 excuses I hear from people who remain stuck for a lifetime, and never take action to help themselves live and work happier.


10. What Is Missing In Your Life Today That You Deeply Desire?

Sometimes, weWhat-do-you-long-for-MOST can get so caught up with the challenges and struggles in front of us, and how to navigate through them effectively, that we fail to ask ourselves the most important questions that would have the power to unlock so much more fulfillment, joy and peace in our lives, if we only stopped to answer them.

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Thank you so much for reading and participating actively on this blog. Your contributions and connections mean the world!

Here’s to building your most brave and brilliant year yet.

To learn more about building the livelihood and life you long for, join me in my new Brave Up Life Mastery program.