Advice, Breakthroughs, Empowerment, Inspiration for Change, Kathy Caprino, Living Real, Resources, Support for Change, Tips for Empowerment, Yes I Can Thinking Is Your Attitude Keeping You Broke? Written by: Kathy Caprino

As we move into a time of planting new seeds and cultivating what we truly wish to create, it’s time also to weed our gardens – discard old remnants from past plantings that thwart our growth, and cease to be beneficial as we evolve.

 This Spring, I’m doing a great deal of emotional weeding.  Truth be told (and so many people do not tell the truth about their real-life problems, so here we go), I’ve been extremely challenged by financial mistakes of my past.  I don’t regret these “mistakes,” as they are fodder for learning, but that doesn’t make them any easier to resolve.  And boy, has there been learning!


What are these serious financial mistakes? 

I’ve realized that I’ve been held hostage by old “structures of knowing” around money formed years ago. 

These mental models of how things work were not fully in my awareness until now — and they include my believing that:

1. It will be virtually impossible to make fantastic money if I’m doing what I love in my heart and soul

2. If I work for someone else, I’ll be terribly hurt, as I was in my past corporate career

3. I have to work incredibly hard to be successful

4. When abundant money flows again from my work (as it did in my corporate career), I’ll misuse the power that comes with it (as I did before)

5. To make great money, I’ll lose the precious family time I’ve worked so hard to achieve

6. I can’t admit out loud that I’m not having the financial success I want, because then I won’t be a strong role model for other women

7. I can “affirm” away scarcity

These structures of knowing have wreaked havoc on my financial health, and I’m taking powerful action to revise each and every one, and its working!

(For help about uncovering your limiting “structures of knowing,” see Dr. Maria Nemeth’s book The Energy of Money).

Unearthing these limiting mental models is a vital step to shedding behaviors (financial and otherwise) that keep you from the joy and success you long for.

And by the way, I have seen with hundreds of people I work with and in my own life that knowing about the Law of Attraction and practicing abundance principles is often not an effective enough guidance system to shift you into a prosperous state, when you’re really stuck around money.

I’ve found that what truly WORKS in shifting you out of your money lack is to 1) release old beliefs and behaviors (I call these your “Breakdown Myths”) that sabotage your success, 2) connect with your true intentions  and life purpose, 3) gain awareness of your standards of integrity and use them to guide your life, 4) infuse your life with new energy of money, time, creativity, vitality, enjoyment and support, and finally 5) create a S.M.A.R.T. plan with doable goals and steps that move you forward to what you deeply want.

So if you’re stuck around money…


1) Read my latest newsletter and the featured article called “Is Your Attitude Keeping You Broke” written by my friend and colleague, holistic financial consultant Denise Hughes

 2) Join my Breakthrough Women’s Circle

Denise will be holding an hour-long teleseminar on “Achieving the Financial Success You Dream Of: 6 Steps to Financial Growth” for my Breakthrough Women’s Circle members only on Wednesday April 14th 1pm to 2pm EST.  She’ll also be available next month on the BW Circle forum to answer your specific financial questions! 

 If you’re not a member of the circle, join now and don’t miss it.

3) Reach out to get help and build your success support community today

Get help today.  Don’t wait.  Find a coach, join a support community, take a workshop or seminar.  For live support in Connecticut, join me on May 15th in Norwalk, CT for my Breakthrough to Abundant Success! Seminar.  (Register by April 15th and save $50). 

My friends, your reality can change in a blink of an eye – I can attest to this.  But it takes a new and different kind of inner and outer work to achieve it.

Is there any better time than now?

One thought on “Is Your Attitude Keeping You Broke?”

  1. Thanks, Abby! I’d love to add one more thought to this – I think the money CAN follow when we do what we love, but it’s absolutely NOT a given. Especially when you’re talking about launching a business, becoming a consultant or coach, managing and growing our money in empowered ways, etc. These are business endeavors that need skill, knowledge, and consistency. Also, these are activities of the physical realm, and too many people mistakenly think that metaphysical laws apply to the physical realm and can create instant manifestation, and it’s just not so. Good luck with everything. And hey…I hope you’ll join my Breakthrough Women’s Circle ( and add your voice to our terrific community! We’d love to have you. All best wishes, K

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