Career Growth, Creativity, Empowerment, Kathy Caprino, Personal Growth, Uncategorized, Yes I Can Thinking 23 Quotes to Inspire Joy and Fulfilling Action Written by: Kathy Caprino

To help us get off to an enlivening start to this brand-new year, I turned to my new career coaching clone—Kathy Caprino AI—for a little inspiration today.

I asked it to surface some empowering quotes I’ve written over my 18 years of coaching, speaking, and writing—quotes that might help us all expand our positivity, boost our energy and hope, and align more closely—both emotionally and behaviorally—with what we most want to experience, attract, create, and accomplish.

My Kathy AI clone reminded me of this compilation of quotes I published back in 2015, with the beautiful creative help of Jayme Johnson from Worthy Marketing Group.

Back then, it was very new for me to generate quotes and create or design images to support them, and I had a ball letting my creative juices flow while writing these, thanks to Jayme’s encouragement. These messages were created to help folks tap into their own creativity, gifts, talents, and passions and share them more confidently with the world.

Here’s that compilation of my quotes. I still find them helpful in my own life and hope you will too:


Quick Tip: Creative Visualization to help you achieve what you long to

If you don’t already practice creative visualization, here’s a quick and simple way to get started:

  1. Spend 5 minutes each morning, preferably as you awaken (before reaching for your phone or any devices).
  2. Close your eyes and imagine a specific scene that you dream of coming to pass, such as receiving an amazing job offer, launching an exciting project, or achieving a thrilling personal goal.
  3. Focus on every detail: the sights, sounds, environment and surroundings, and the feelings you’re experiencing.
  4. Feel the excitement, joy, and gratitude with all your senses as if it’s already happened.

This daily practice (again even for 5 minutes) helps you align energetically with your ultimate dreams, making them feel not only possible, but inevitable. I’ve found this practice profoundly beneficial and hope it will help you too.

I’d love to hear from you!
Which quote resonates most with you today? And have you tried creative visualization before? Please share your thoughts wherever you see this —I’d love to know how you’re starting your year with inspiration and action.

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For hands-on career and personal growth guidance and support, work with Kathy in a private coaching program or her Most Powerful You course, and use her digital coaching clone ‘Kathy Caprino AI‘ for instant personalized guidance and answers to your most pressing questions, anytime 24/7.