Story Guidelines - Kathy Caprino

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Story Guidelines

About Women Succeeding Abundantly | Survey | Story Guidelines | Story Submission


Dear Friend of Women Succeeding Abundantly National Research Project,

Thank you for your openness and generosity in sharing your amazing stories of inspiration, hope, overcoming challenges and realizing your dreams for abundant success and fulfillment in your life and career.

We hope that this invitation finds you well and extremely excited to tell your story of positive transformation and growth. We welcome stories from women contributors of any age who believe and feel themselves to be abundantly successful, on terms that are meaningful and personal to them. We’re focusing on stories of those women who experience themselves as greatly successful financially, professionally, personally and /or spiritually and have lessons and insights to share with other women to help them achieve their dreams. In this study, there are no formal criteria for what constitutes an abundantly successful woman. If you feel you are, then we want to hear from you!

Ingredients for a Powerful Story to be Featured in the Women Succeeding Abundantly Research Project

A powerful story to be included in the Women Succeeding Abundantly project is an inspirational, true story about ordinary women who, through their specific thoughts, beliefs, actions and choices, chose to embrace their experiences as a way to create abundant success on their terms. This is a story that speaks to all women, and offers insight and wisdom into what it means to live fully, passionately, and purposefully, and have achieved “knock-your-socks off” success along the way.

The most engaging stories are about people who have awakened to their true potential and expansiveness thanks to their unique life experiences and perspectives, and now live full out each and every day because of it.


Guidelines for submitting your Women Succeeding Abundantly Story

  1. Tell your true story and give your authentic views about how you achieved your abundant success and what it means to you.
  2. Share your candid insights and observations, and feel free to offer concrete tips and advice as to how you create and maintain your great success.
  3. Let us know all about your challenges to your success as well. Please don’t be shy to explore your feelings and beliefs about your life, work, family, beliefs, background, etc.
  4. Describe your childhood and all key events and actions and choices since then that have contributed to your abundant success today. Please end it with where/how your life is today – the lessons learned, the insights revealed, your areas of focus, your life purpose or intentions, priorities, and/or values, the people who’ve helped, and any transformation that’s occurred that’s helped you create abundant success.
  5. Above all, please express yourself full out and offer your candid and authentic advice to those women who wish to learn from your abundant success and transformation about how to create success, joy and fulfillment in their lives. Speak from your heart and spirit – let it ring out! Your story is vitally important to us, and to the world!


1. We plan to use selected stories that we collect as part of a book and educational programs on the actions, beliefs, and choices that women make to create abundant success in today’s times.

2. The best way to participate in this study is to fill out the online survey questions (see Survey), then submit your story (see Story Guidelines).

3. If your story is chosen for publication, you will be notified and your permission to print it will be requested. Please know that we never publish anything without written permission from the author.  You retain full copyrights to your work.  

4.  Stories should be non-fiction and range in length between 500-1200 words.  Inspirational poems about women’s success, empowerment, joy, and spiritual growth are also welcomed!

5. Please submit only stories and poems that have not been previously published.  The only exception to this is if your work has only been published in a small local publication with limited circulation.

6.  Please be patient!  It can take up to three to four years for this book and associated materials to develop.  This is an important, yet time-consuming process.

Please feel free to write to if you have any further questions about the research study and forthcoming book.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your courageous, inspirational story of abundant success, and for helping us share your experiences with success as a way to contribute to and benefit the lives of women around the globe.

To share your story, visit Story Submission.

It is our policy to keep your personal information strictly confidential. It will NOT be sold, traded or used for any other purpose than to communicate with you regarding Women Succeeding Abundantly books, programs, and products.

Feel to share this invitation with other women you know who are abundantly successful on their own terms, and have been positively transformed by their experiences. Share this link — –with other successful women you know!

Thank you, and wishing you continued abundant success!