6 Keys to Strengthening Your Communications and Building Strong Support
Join Kathy Caprino for this important program that shares the six keys to powering up your communications and professional interactions to help you reach your leadership potential, and share your messages, initiatives and visions in ways that generate excitement, engagement, and support.
Drawing on her communications and systems theory training as a trained marriage and family therapist, her media work with Forbes, Huffington Post, LinkedIn, and her quotes/mentions on 100 other leading national publications, her coaching work with thousands of professional women, and her experience as a corporate Vice President, Kathy guides you through the important lessons she’s learned regarding the critical steps to take to uncover your “power gaps” in your communication style and interpersonal approach, and how to close those gaps to become more confident, authoritative and effective in your communications and interactions.
In this program, you’ll learn:
- What effective communication is and is NOT
- The top 7 challenges women face in their communications style and approach that block their success and growth
- How to tell when your communication needs improvement and the root causes of these challenges
- 6 keys to powering up your communications, your professional relationships and your access to more influence in your career and field
- The vital importance of building strong support, and acquiring empowering mentors and sponsors to help you achieve the success you long for
- A proven 5-Step model for taking your communications and your career to the next level of “amazing,” drawing on your natural strengths and talents and connecting the dots of where you’ve been and where you truly want to take your career
This program is ideal for all emerging women leaders who are ready to take their careers to the next level, and who wish to make an impact and communicate more powerfully and effectively to achieve their highest goals.