Breakthrough Vision Marketing
Powerful Marketing Support for Women Entrepreneurs
Are you launching a new business, or wanting to take your entrepreneurial endeavors to abundant success?
Get top-level marketing consulting and support to help you identify:
1) The right business model 2) Your core competitive advantage
3) Effective marketing strategies to promote your services and
4) New ways to attract ideal clients, customers, and great new business!
Call Kathy today at 203-834-9933 for marketing assistance to help you launch to the next level!
Your Marketing Breakthrough is here!
Begins October 6, 2010
Breakthrough to Abundant Success:
5 Steps to Your Greatest Life and Career
Group Tele-Coaching Program
5 Wednesdays this Fall:
October 6, 13, 20, Nov 3, Nov 10
Fee: $495 for 5-week program
Monster/Yahoo HotJobs

Ellia Communications, Inc. is a coaching and consulting business dedicated to helping women achieve breakthrough – in their lives and work, relationships, and in themselves – to create life and work as they truly want it. Ellia offers transformative coaching, seminars, marketing consulting and resources that help women achieve their visions of passion, power, and purpose.
Kathy’s book, Breakdown, Breakthrough offers a powerful, holistic guide to overcoming the 12 hidden crises women face today.
For more information, please see:
or contact Kathy at: Phone: 203-834-9933
Hope this finds you enjoying your Fall and the new weather (and endeavors) it brings!
Paula Abdul gave the keynote at the event, and my favorite mesage of her talk was, “Don’t just think outside the box, crush it!” Amen to that. Let’s get crushing!
To keep the focus on moving women forward, I’d like to share with you some key insights I’ve had over the past 10 years of my career reinvention, and in launching my own small business.
I’ve learned the hard way that there are five core essentials (the 5 M’s) to running a successful business. I’ve also discovered that for women to increase their financial success in their careers and businesses, they must first develop a business model and career plan that is sound and strong, and from there, learn to market and promote themselves powerfully. Read the article below for more information.
I hope these concepts below will help you create the success you dream of in your career and entrepreneurial efforts.
Let it shine, my friends! And join me this Fall in my new programs for women, including:
Breakthrough Marketing Support – marketing and business guidance for entrepreneurial women. If you need assistance in any of the following areas, call us!
- Using Twitter to Build Community
- Powerful, Time-Saving Social Media strategies
- Blogging
- Developing a Successful Business Model
- Attracting Clients
- Assessing Your Business’ Financial Health
- Developing Multiple Income Streams/Products
- Writing for Your Business
- Building a Successful Speaking Platform
- Powering Up Your Brand and Messaging
and more…
I’d love to be of help. Call me at 203-834-9933 or write me at with your marketing and business needs. And please comment on my blog this week – I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts about your challenges as an entrepreneurial woman, and ways you can strengthen your business model to bring you more financial and emotional success and fulfillment.
Here’s to your abundant success and fulfillment.
If Your Business Model is Flawed, Marketing Won’t Help |
In working with hundreds of professional women these past several years, and launching my new Breakthrough Vision Marketing programs, I’ve uncovered one key truth that was hidden to me in the past:
If your business model is flawed, no amount of great marketing will help you make the money you need and want.
Here’s a case study of what I mean, using my personal experience (I’m sharing here the real insider story about small business – something you’ll seldom hear from thousands of professed “experts,” many of whom aren’t making a living).
I launched a career coaching practice after long, hard research about what it takes to be successful, and earning the credentials, experiences and know-how to be respected and recognized in my field, and to rise above the competition.
I followed all the core marketing and business development strategies that one needs to achieve national recognition, and be considered an acclaimed “expert” as coach, author, and speaker.
Throughout this 10-year development process, I learned some hard-earned insights about myself as professional and about what it takes for me to be a successful entrepreneur, namely:
1) I LOVE helping women achieve breakthrough in their lives and work, relationships, and in themselves – to create life and work as they truly want it.
2) I LOVE to help a select group of women. Here are my personal criteria for folks I’ll work with as clients:
– Above the line thinkers (those who believe they are accountable, capable, responsible and ready to commit to reclaiming their lives)
– Ready and able to do the inner and out work of real change
– Able to invest time, money, energy in the process of life and career change
– Not expecting an easy fix or magic bullet
– Not viewing me as the answer to all their problems
– Able to make the financial investment of working with me, without it adding stress to their already stressed-out lives
3) I DON’T WANT to work (and to be paid) only on an hourly basis (even if my hourly wage is substantial, as a coach or consultant). I DO want to have several different avenues of generating revenue, including one-on-one work, group coaching, speaking engagements, marketing and business consulting, and successful passive-income coaching and marketing programs and streams — top programs and resources that help a wide global network of women, without my having to necessarily provide them with direct, in-person service. I’d like to make money while I sleep!
4) I’ve EMBRACED what it takes to identify exactly what I want to create, produce, and sell in terms of products and programs, and have a solid plan for building those
But You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
I was trucking along these past years building my coaching business, and everything I was doing felt and sounded “right,” until about six months ago, when I finally realized, “You don’t know what you don’t know!”
Here’s what I realized I hadn’t known, in developing my coaching business model:
The Big Flaw
There was a big flaw in my business model. The FLAWED part of my model is that, after years of serving as a career coach for women, I realized that my business is simply too limited in focus and too narrow in terms of the types of products and services I offered, to be financially successful at the level I wanted it to be.
My narrow service niche (career coaching for women) — which I deliberately and intentionally designed — has turned out to be too confining and limiting for me. Career coaching alone isn’t tapping into all the many marketing, business development, communications, and strategic planning skills, talents and experience that I’ve earned in my 20 years in the corporate arena.
I had chucked out the idea of using those marketing and business development skills (or, more accurately, before now it hadn’t even occurred to me to utilize these skills as a consultant) because much of my corporate experience had been so emotionally unsatisfying for me that I threw the baby out with the bathwater! But doing so meant I was stopping myself from serving thousands more women whom I truly want to support, in ways I’m uniquely capable.
As a result, the financial and emotional success results of my business were limited for me as well.
Below are several core nuggets of learning from these past 10 years of shaping my new professional life and business:
1) Marketing won’t help you, when your business model is flawed
No matter how strong your marketing is – no matter how well planned or executed – if your business, services and focus are too narrow or only tap into a very limited group of clients/customers, then your rewards will be limited as well.
Scrutinize your business model intensively – look at the niche you serve and the products and services you offer – and make sure there’s sufficient breadth, depth, and reach to make the money you need to, each and every month.
2) Marketing also won’t help you if you don’t know how to run your business or manage your money.
There are 5 “M’s” that are essential to running a successful business. They are:
Don’t skimp on mastering these “M’s” or getting outside help to do it. Running a business successfully is a large endeavor, and you can’t do it alone.
3) Determine ALL the talents you have that you want to use, and create a plan to utilize them all
For me, I’ve learned that there’s another vast and growing group — women entrepreneurs – whom I want to help and support, along with all the women in corporate America who are in urgent need of career transition assistance. I know now that I want to offer career growth support, as well as top-level strategic marketing, business planning and development, and financial guidance to help women entrepreneurs create their businesses to succeed and thrive, from the moment their business launches and onward. And it turns out I have the experience and skill to do it.
4) Make sure that the niche you want to serve is big enough, and has the ability to utilize, hire and pay you
Another truism in business – if you want to be profitable, you have to make money. This is NOT a volunteer endeavor, this is a business. So make sure that the target group you serve is big enough to support your business, and full of thousands of people whom you can reach, who are in the emotional, financial, and behavioral condition to utilize your products and services fully, and can pay for them easily, without strain.
5) Spend money on marketing your business only after you have clarity – After you’ve developed a sound business model, then and only then should you invest in marketing your business and branding. Don’t spend thousands of dollars on marketing before you know what you need to offer and provide.
6) Think bigger about yourself – Identifying a defined niche and serving it well is essential, but in doing that, don’t limit yourself to only one facet of yourself and your skills. Use all of your talents and skills, and expand to new dimensions that allow you to use ALL of who you are, for the greater good of your business, and for the world.
* * * * *
There’s a great deal involved in creating a successful entrepreneurial venture, and crafting a long-term career that you love and that brings you success and fulfillment. But you can do it! Get help to master the 5 M’s of small business, and build a strong model and foundation for your business, get help where you need it, and be open to learning what you don’t now know. Then you’ll be well on your way.
FALL Programs for Career Success for Women
Breakthrough to Abundant Career Success – Change Your Career – Change Your Life! –
5-week Group Career Coaching
Tele-program for women
Begins October 6
Led by Kathy Caprino, M.A.
This powerful and effective group coaching tele-program guides you through Kathy’s proven five-step model for jumpstarting change in your career so it aligns with who you really are, and brings abundant fulfillment and success along with it.
Let Kathy support you with concrete, specific approaches and strategies that will unlock your power, confidence and ability to make a career change and achieve the career growth you want.
Kathy’s 5-Step Career-Change Model:
- Step Back – Learn exactly what isn’t working in your professional life, and what must change, and why
- Let Go – Uncover and release the key challenges and “breakdown myths” in the way of achieving the career your dream of
- Say YES! – Understand what you truly want in your work, and the skills and endeavors you are great at and love to use (vs. skills you no long care to focus on)
- Refine – Refine your career options from “sound-great! ideas” to real-life directions that fit with your values, priorities, and needs
- Create It! – Develop a S.M.A.R.T. and doable timeline and action plan to research, determine, and achieve your new career path
You’ll also learn vital information for dramatically improving your professional life including:
- How to increase the flow of the six key energy forms in life – money, time, physical vitality, enjoyment, creativity and support
- The 12 “hidden” crises working women face today, and how to overcome them
- The top five reasons many women hate their jobs and what to do about it
- New ways to release your fears and blocks about receiving abundant success in your life
- Strengthening your work and family relationships to receive more support during times of transition
- And finally, how to heal your money relationship so you can achieve the personal and professional success you long for.
You’ll crack your internal success “code” – the secret of what’s been holding you back from the joy, success, and fulfillment in your career you so richly deserve. And you’ll begin your breakthrough process right in the first session!
Dates: Oct 6, 13, 20, Nov 3, 10
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm EST
Fee: $495 for 5-week program
For more information and to register,
click here.
Don’t Delay! Spots limited to 8 per group.