Ellia is thrilled to announce the launch of…
Empowered and Effective Marketing Support for Women Entrepreneurs, Writers, Consultants,
and Practitioners
Are you launching a new business, or wanting to take your entrepreneurial or creative endeavors to abundant success?
Get top-level marketing consulting and support to help you identify your core competitive advantage, and communicate that unique value powerfully to attract ideal clients, customers, partners, and great new business!
Call Kathy today for a full assessment of your marketing strategies and help to launch you to the next level!
This Fall, join us in our new marketing programs for women:
10 am to 1pm
Dolce Norwalk Hotel
Norwalk, CT
Fee: $97
6-week program for women
Westport, CT
Two tracks: Tuesday afternoons or Thursday evenings
Your Marketing Breakthrough is here!
September 15, 2010 Building Your Platform: 5 Core Steps to Building Connections for Publishing Success and Profit
FREE Workshop for Writers! Led by Kathy Caprino and Krista Carnes
Writers’ Room Write Yourself Free Now
252 Post Road East
Westport, CT
September 23, 2010
Breakthrough to Your Abundant Success! Led by Kathy Caprino
28th Annual Business Women’s Forum Connecticut Convention Center Hartford, CT
http://www.2010bwf.com Keynote Speaker: Paula Abdul!
September 25, 2010 Prosperous Marketing Mindset® Five Core Marketing Steps to More Passion and Profits Doing Work You Love Led by Kathy Caprino and Krista Carnes
10am – 1pm Dolce Norwalk Hotel, CT Fee: $97
For more info,
click here
Begins September 27, 2010
Prosperity Marketing Masterminds:6-Week Mastermind Coaching Programs for Creating More Passion and Profits Doing Work You Love Led by Kathy Caprino and Krista CarnesWestport, CT Fee: $597 for 6-week program For more info, click here
October 16, 2010 Love Your Career – Open Your Life! Spiritual Guidance for Creating True Happiness at Work With Kathy Caprino and Trudy Griswold Full-Day Interative Spiritual Coaching Seminar 9:30 am to 4:30 pm EST Convent of St. Birgitta Darien, CT Fee: $197, includes lunch To register, write to Kathy@kathycaprino.com
Monster/Yahoo HotJobs

Ellia Communications, Inc. is a coaching and consulting business dedicated to helping women achieve breakthrough – in their lives and work, relationships, and in themselves – to create life and work as they truly want it. Ellia offers transformative coaching, seminars, marketing consulting and resources that help women achieve their visions of passion, power, and purpose.
Kathy’s book, Breakdown, Breakthrough offers a powerful, holistic guide to overcoming the 12 hidden crises women face today.
For more information, please see:
or contact Kathy at:
kathy@kathycaprino.com Phone: 203-834-9933
Happy September!
Today’s newsletter explores some key ingredients to successful, heart-aligned marketing, inspired by my favorite marketing guru Scott Stratten, of “Stop marketing, Start engaging” fame.
Read on for some thoughts on what true marketing is and means today. I hope these thoughts will generate some new ideas and actions in your marketing strategies that will help you be of service to a wider community whom you truly love.
Let it shine, my friends! And join us this Fall as I and my colleague Krista Carnes launch our Prosperity Marketing Mindset® workshops and Masterminds for women. We’ll help you market yourself powerfully, and share your brilliance, talents, and wisdom with the world. Read on, and I really hope to see you on September 25!
Please feel free to write to me at kathy@kathycaprino.com with ideas for programs that you’d like to see that would help you take your business and financial success higher. And please comment on my blog this week – I’d LOVE to hear what you think powerful marketing is all about and how it works for you.
It’s your turn now! Here’s to your abundant success and fulfillment.
P.S. I’m excited to be a guest on Becky Surran’s News Channel 12’s show “12 on the Money” on September 18th – I’ll be offering 5 top tips to help women entrepreneurs succeed! Check it out!
P.S.S. If you’re a writer in CT, please join us on September 15th in Westport at the Writers’ Room for a FREE workshop on Building Your Platform: 5 Core Steps to Creating a Foundation for Publishing Success and Profit.
The New Rules of Marketing – Five Key Principles of Care, Credibility, Connection, Clarity and Calling |
by Kathy Caprino
As many of my friends and community members know, I’m a huge fan of Scott Stratten, President of Un-marketing (www.un-marketing.com). Almost every word this guy says and writes resonates 100% with me, and reflects my views and feelings about what it means to engage authentically, build relationships, and “market” yourself, your products and services, in the highest and best sense of the word.
You can read all about Scott on his site, his blog, and follow him on Twitter at @unmarketing (he’s considered one of the top influencers on Twitter, with 60,000 folks following his tweets.) His new book Unmarketing: Stop Marketing, Start Engaging is a must-read for anyone doing marketing or in business, and if you want to see him in person (highly recommended), here’s his 30-city book tour schedule. Don’t miss him! I’m going to Hartford, CT on October 5th to see him. If you’re in Connecticut, hope to see you there!
What I’ve learned from Scott and other top marketing thinkers, and in the eight years of building my own business, community and platform, is that your marketing efforts will not be successful unless they come from a place of caring, credibility, connection, clarity, and calling.
My personal take on 5 key ingredients to successful, prosperity-minded marketing:
1) CARE: You’ve got to truly care about the welfare of your clients/customers
2) CREDIBILITY: You must build trust and gain credibility with people before they care about what you do
3) CONNECTION: Create a true, mutual connection with others by giving of yourself and your work, and listening and learning from others, through different avenues that engage and enliven
4) CLARITY: Know who you are, stay true to that, and share a viewpoint that enlightens, entertains or educates in some essential way
5) CALLING: If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, change directions
If you’re wondering how these principles look and feel like in the practical world, below are some tactics that support these core principles:
1) Care – About Your Customers, Clients, and Community
The world has changed. Everything you do today as an entrepreneur, marketer, writer, thinker, speaker, etc. is transparent, clear for all to see. Your motivations, your desired outcomes, your behaviors and thinking – it’s all out there now. The truth is, if you don’t really care about the welfare and success of your clients and customers, and if you’re thinking only about is how you can succeed, you won’t. To succeed and thrive, you must create a world of mutuality and reciprocity – give and get, love and be loved, support and be supported. If you don’t hold up your end, and if you don’t start from a place of “How can I best serve?,” you just won’t succeed in the big way you dream of. If deeply loving and caring about the people you serve is difficult or impossible for you, it’s a sign that you have to change what you’re doing.
2) Credibility – Build Trust and Respect
Thousands of entrepreneurs and marketers today don’t understand one key marketing concept – that people do business only with people they like, trust and know (thanks, Scott, for making that crystal clear). You must build a relationship with people first, before they’ll engage in buying your services or supporting your work. And you have to demonstrate that you’re a credible, reliable voice in your chosen area over time.
I and many others mistakenly believed the “build it and they will come” myth – that simply because I’ve hung my shingle as a coach and consultant (and am a darn good one at that), that I’ll have customers and clients aplenty and the flow will be constant. It ain’t so! You must create a way to a build relationships over time with people that serve them well, and then – perhaps – they’ll buy or enlist in your services (and only when they’re ready and only if your services and prices and packages fit their needs, not yours). Develop engagement strategies (a newsletter, speaking, tweeting, free articles and information, blog, social media, free resources) that allow you to give of yourself and your expertise in ways that energize you, but also that build trust and credibility.
3) Connection — Listen, Respond, and Serve
Think about the great, fulfilling connections you have in your personal life – they’re typically based on common interest, caring, curiosity, like-mindedness, love, mutuality, reciprocity, and authenticity. So it is in the business world as well. Connect with those you wish to serve – in person, at events, in writing, in social media, through your blog or newsletter, etc.. Find ways that you enjoy to connect with your community, and listen to what they’re saying and caring about deeply. If you’re sitting alone in your office day after day, disconnected and disengaged from others, you’re marketing into a vacuum. Also a must – truly listen to your community, and elicit their feedback, comments, and ideas, and integrate these ideas and comments – respond!. In short, create a real connection and authentic conversation with those you wish to serve.
4) Clarity – Know Who You Are and Share It
One thing I love about following Scott’s work is that he 1) knows exactly who he is (foibles and imperfections and all), and 2) unabashedly shares who he is with the world. There’s a neat list on his blog of “25 things you didn’t know about me.” It takes guts to publish a list like this. Do you have that kind of courage to share yourself openly and nakedly with your community? What’s your list of 25? Are you clear about who you are, uniquely? What makes you tick, what lights you up, what makes you so mad your head will explode? Know these things about yourself, and make use of them in all you do! Understand who you are and let that specialness shine out, in your writing, your services, your products, and your community.
If you don’t, you’ll never be able to be your true self in your work, or stand apart from the many thousands of others who are afraid to be who they really are, or share with honesty and courage what they stand for.
5) Calling- Passion is a Must-Have
There’s a very large difference between a job and a calling. To be successful as an entrepreneur or marketer or service provider, you have to have passion for it – a deep, abiding drive to make a difference and be of service. If you don’t have it, “marketing” yourself and your products will be extremely challenging at best, a terrible failure at worst. So figure out what you’re passionate about, and if it’s not your business or your practice or your creative endeavors, it’s time to make some significant changes.
I was a corporate marketing director and VP for many years, and truthfully, I stopped liking it early on and was often bored silly by it, (the whole thing felt like “theatre” – ya know?) because I was marketing products and services I simply didn’t connect with or feel excited to support. It’s a terrible feeling to dislike intensely what you do for a living, and feel absolutely no connection with it, right?
Now, I’m really jazzed about using my marketing skills to help others thrive in their careers and businesses, and to grow my own business. If you’re proud and excited about what you’re marketing or promoting, then put your whole self into it. If you have no connection to what you’re marketing, you most likely won’t have anywhere near the success or fulfillment you want.
The bottom line
The “new marketing” is this…connecting and engaging authentically with others you love so as to be of the highest service possible, drawing on the many talents and skills you love to offer.
The ultimate outcome of well-executed marketing is that you get to build a like-minded, interrelated (and fascinating) community that truly “gets” you, and receives deep benefit from learning with and from you. In the end, it’s about creating a global network of people you love (yes, LOVE!), and who find in your work something that helps them become more of who they truly want to be.
And you get to become more of who you want to be by being of service in a way that draws on everything that makes you special.
Now that’s a lot more exciting than just “marketing,” yes?
FALL Programs for Women Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Coaches and Writers
“Literally everything you do as a business owner is “marketing.” Don’t be afraid to embrace your inner marketer – it’s truly the difference between great success and disappointing failure in today’s market.”
Join us for an enlightening half-day that will move you forward!
5 Core Marketing Steps to Generating More Profit and Passion Doing Work You Love
for Women Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Coaches, Consultants and Writers
Saturday, September 25th
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Dolce Norwalk Hotel
Norwalk, CT
Fee: $97.00
Led by:
Kathy Caprino, MA– Nationally-recognized women’s career and success coach, author, marketing consultant, and Founder of Ellia Communications and Breakthrough Vision Marketing
Krista Carnes – Top author developer and marketing specialist, booking agent, and founder of Booking Authors
Join Kathy and Krista as they present the five most vital marketing steps to taking your small business and creative endeavors to a next level – to abundant success.
Each step involves gaining a new, empowered “Mindset” that will help you see your business and creative endeavors in new and exciting ways, and help you take empowered action to overcome your current challenges. Your marketing breakthrough is here!
JOIN US for an eye-opening and enlivening event that will change how you do business!
To register or for more info, visit:
Hurry! Spots go quickly for Kathy’s and Krista’s events.