Ellia is thrilled to announce the launch of…
Are you launching a new business, or wanting to take your small business to abundant success?
Get top-level marketing consulting and support to help you identify your core competitive advantage, and communicate that unique value powerfully to attract ideal clients, customers, partners, and great new business!
With Kathy’s expert marketing guidance, and a hand-selected group of leading marketing specialists, your business will achieve that “gotta have” advantage, and will help you grow your ideal customer and client base, bringing new success and fulfillment along with it. Click here for details.
Your Breakthrough Marketing Vision is here!
SELF Magazine, July 2010 (see magazine for full article “The New Ambition”)

Ellia Communications, Inc. is a coaching and consulting business dedicated to helping women achieve breakthrough – in their lives and work, relationships, and in themselves – to create life and work as they truly want it. Ellia offers transformative coaching, seminars, and resources that help women overcome their challenges to achieve their visions of passion, power, and purpose.
Kathy’s book, Breakdown, Breakthrough offers a powerful, holistic guide to overcoming the 12 hidden crises women face today.
For more information, please see:
or contact Kathy at:
kathy@kathycaprino.com Phone: 203-834-9933
Greetings! Hope July has been a great month for you in all ways.
Today’s newsletter explores the key signs of being in denial about a serious financial problem you or your small business are facing, and new ways to shift out of denial into a prosperity mindset and effective success-building action.
This is a vitally important topic for women today, as so many women I know and have worked with waited until it was too late to recognize that their professional endeavors or businesses were failing. Or some knew it, but chose to stay in a state of inertia and inaction — not making the necessary adjustments to revitalize and shift their businesses, professional lives, and money affairs.
If this resonates for you (and I’ve been there, and know you can change, so don’t stay stuck in shame about it!), please read the article below on 7 Signs You’re In Denial About Money, and What To Do About It. If you let it, this information will move you forward toward embracing change.
To help nurture and expand a prosperity mindset and capabilities in the hearts and minds of professional women, I’m excited to announce the launch of my new business entity called Breakthrough Vision Marketing!
Drawing on my 18-year high-level corporate marketing expertise and my experience in bringing to the national forefront my own small business as a women’s consultant, coach, author and speaker, Breakthrough Vision Marketing helps professional women (including small-business owners, entrepreneurs, executives, writers, consultants and private practitioners) take their business endeavors to abundant success through powerful marketing, communications, and business development strategies that truly work.
Literally everything you do as a business owner or consultant is “marketing” – every conversation, email, workshop or lunch you attend is your opportunity to share who you are and what you do best. Don’t be afraid to embrace your “inner marketer” – it’s the difference between great success and disappointing failure in today’s market.
My focus in Breakthrough Vision Marketing is different from that of other marketing consultancies – my skills and passions are in helping women authors, consultants, coaches and small business owners gain an empowered, expansive perspective of their own gifts, talents, and mission, to understand and act on:
1) The core value and “spark” that you and your business and services represent that sets you apart from all the rest
2) The key marketing steps necessary to take now, to bring your business higher
3) Cost-effective strategies that will give you a healthy return on investment (no more throwing money away!)
4) Great ways to help you get known and recognized as an expert in your field
5) Proven methods to gain ideal clients and customers who are a joy to serve and can pay you what you deserve.
6) Powerful ways to release the blocks that are holding you back from great success
The ultimate outcome? Doing what you love and are great at, and making great money doing it!
The Prosperity Marketing Mindset Program
To help launch Breakthrough Vision Marketing, I’m excited to share news of a fabulous half-day program in September we’re offering, designed for women entrepreneurs, consultants, coaches and writers on The Prosperity Marketing Mindset. Co-delivered by Krista Reiner of Booking Authors and myself, this half-day program will help you create a strong marketing foundation for your endeavors that will help you spring to the next level. If you’re a professional woman wanting more success, you’ll love it!
Please feel free to write to me at kathy@kathycaprino.com with ideas for programs that you’d like to see that would help you take your business and financial success higher. My deepest goal is to serve professional women to become all they wish to be in life and work.
It’s your turn now! Here’s to your abundant success and fulfillment.
FALL Programs from Breakthrough Vision Marketing |
You’re a talented professional woman longing to take your small business, ideas, or practice to abundant success BUT… do you have the marketing vision, knowledge, and support you need to make your business and creative ideas a success?
Join us for an enlightening half-day that will move you forward!
The Prosperous Marketing Mindset
5 Core Marketing Steps to Generating More Profit and Passion in Your Small Business
Half-Day Marketing Workshop Sponsored by Breakthrough Vision Marketing
for Women Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Coaches, Consultants and Writers
Saturday, September 25th
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Kathy Caprino, MA– Nationally-recognized women’s career and executive coach, author, marketing specialist, and Founder of Ellia Communications and Breakthrough Vision Marketing
Krista Carnes – Top author developer and marketing speaking consultant, booking agent, and founder of Booking Authors
Join Kathy and Krista as they present the five most vital marketing steps to taking your small business and creative endeavors to a next level – to abundant success.
Each step involves gaining a new, empowered “Mindset” that will help you see your business and creative endeavors in new and exciting ways, and help you overcome your current challenges.
Your marketing breakthrough is here!
This unique half-day program for women covers concrete steps to gain your:
Prosperous Marketer’s Mindset – how to communicate (in writing, online, speaking, conversations, etc.) who you are and what you do, in a way that is enticing and compelling
Prosperous Writer’s Mindset – how to use your writing and creativity to launch yourself in the media and in your community
Prosperous Speaker’s Mindset – how to use your know-how to develop powerful workshops ands seminars to build business
Prosperous Collaborator’s Mindset – how to partner, affiliate, network, and collaborate to expand your audience and community
Prosperous Visionary’s Mindset – how to strategize and envision — and successfully execute — your plan for where you wish to go in the next chapter of life and work
A Prosperous Marketing Mindset gives you new access to the following vitally important qualities necessary for abundant success in professional life:
Kathy and Krista will share insider information on the key steps to gain a Prosperous Marketing Mindset, and help you:
Step 1: Get Clear! – Determine Your Unique Value, Mission, and Your Core Competitive Advantage
Step 2: Get Writing! – Use Your Creative Ideas and Know-How to Expand Your Platform and Community
Step 3: Get Speaking! – Share Your Wisdom, Skills and Talents with Your Community to Build Customers and Clients
Step 4: Get Collaborating! – Build partnerships and collaborations with other like-minded professionals who are mutually supportive.
Step 5: Get Envisioning! – Create a Concrete S.M.A.R.T Plan for Your Business that Will Guide You to Long-Term Fulfillment, Success, and Joy
Questions Kathy and Krista will answer:
– What do I need to do first, to begin marketing my new consulting business
– I have a great book idea – what do I do to move forward with it?
– How to I get my ideas and writing out there in a bigger way?
– I have a seminar I’d like to deliver – where do I begin?
– I don’t know how my business specifically differs from the competition – do I need to?
– Do I really need to do social media like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter? Why?
Over the course of this program, you’ll learn insider tips for becoming a:
* Recognized expert in your field * More powerful speaker, consultant, and seminar leader * Stronger collaborator * More successful marketer, so your services ring with “gotta have” quality and attract clients and customers who clamor for your services and products
You’ll also get real-world insight to help you bypass costly and time-consuming marketing mistakes that many entrepreneurs, consultants, writers and speakers make. Attendees will leave the seminar with concrete “to-dos” and a renewed energy and roadmap for taking your small business to the next level of success, fulfillment and joy.
JOIN US for an eye-opening and enlivening event that will change how you do business!
For more information and to register, contact
7 Signs of Denial of a Serious Money Problem (and what to do about it) |
In the past several years, I’ve worked directly with hundreds of women entrepreneurs, executives, consultants and small business owners who are, as I was at one time, in complete denial about their money situation. They know they’re not earning nearly enough or they’re spending too much, and money is slipping through their hands, but that’s as far as their understanding of the problem goes.
In short, their heads are deep in the sand about their money relationship. They’re working hard to ignore the obvious – the inevitable misery that will come unless they change directions, and fast.
How can you tell if you’re in denial about your money situation?
Here are 7 glaring signs that you’re in money trouble and you must make a change:
1. You can’t pay your monthly mortgage or your rent without tapping into savings, retirement, home equity loans or other funds.
2. You a re using your credit cards each month to buy essentials such as food, clothes, and gas.
3. Your small business,
consultancy or private practice is losing money each and every month, and despite your valiant efforts, nothing you do is changing that fact.
4. All the ways you’ve made money in the past don’t work now.
5. You don’t have a Plan B in the event your Plan A fails, and you don’t have the necessary benchmarks and signposts to tell you it’s time to change course.
6. You‘re hanging on by a thread to your “Build it and They Will Come” mentality, but they’re not coming.
7. Someone you love and respect has been telling you over and over that you’re in denial and things must change, but you’ve ignored them or argued bitterly against them.
Do any of the above sound like your situation? If so, PLEASE act now. Don’t wait another day. Your money situation simply will not improve unless you do things very differently, starting today.
So what should you do differently?
I’ve just read a terrific book called Life by Design (highly recommended) by Tom Ferry– a well-known success coach and motivational leader — and he outlines 6 steps to changing your life and “living by design” which I think apply perfectly to changing your money situation. These are steps I explore with all my clients as well.
These six vital steps are:
1. Wake up from your coma – be aware of the key areas in your life that need attention today
2. Make the choice to change your life
3. Create your life by Design
4. Do the things that bring you power
5. Practice visualizing yourself already there, in possession of what you want
6. Create structure and accountability by telling others around you about your plans and goals
I know from experience that in order for your money situation to change you must wake up to the severity of it, and commit to changing your situation by taking new empowered actions that will change your course. To do things differently, you need a new, fresh perspective that includes concrete, practical, and effective support, know-how, and help. The time for relying on wishful thinking is past.
And yes, you can do this, despite the negative stories you’ve told yourself that you don’t have what it takes. I know you do have what it takes to revise your money situation and your business — you wouldn’t be reading this information if you didn’t have access to the necessary resources, courage, faith and resolve to make this important life change. The energy of money is pervasive in our culture – there’s no escaping it. In this lifetime, you’re being called to empower yourself so that money will flow in your life, and support you as you flow with it.
The problem of money breakdown in women is so enormous today that I’ve committed myself to be an active part of the solution. I’m excited to share that I’m launching this month a new marketing and communications consultancy branch to my business Ellia Communications — Breakthrough Vision Marketing — designed to help women entrepreneurs, writers, executives, consultants and private practitioners step up to their highest visions in their work by find the right marketing, communications, and business planning strategies to support their empowered goals. Click here for more!
In the meantime, come for a specialized reading about your financial situation as it pertains to your career, small business or practice. Call me for a Private Career Consultation. I’ll help you see where you and your business are blocked around money, and support you to begin taking new steps that will release you from your financial traps. Also, check out my book Breakdown Breakthrough, Chapter 10: Escaping Financial Traps (or write me at kathy@kathycaprino.com for a free chapter download).
I’d love nothing better than to help you emerge from your financial woes so you can be all you wish to be in this life and in your work.
You’re ready to take this new step, and so is your life!