Career Success Readiness Quiz Step 1 of 3 33% Take the Career Success Readiness Quiz to learn if you're ready for the success you want! The questions below are designed to help you quickly assess you and your career’s state of readiness for creating great success, happiness and reward (on your terms) in your professional life. These questions will give you only a 10,000 foot view (it's virtually impossible to get to all the specifics and details with only 30 questions), but these results will offer you a solid look of where you are and where you may need to focus your energy going forward to build a happier, more rewarding career you love. PLEASE NOTE! Your score will not be sent to you. It will appear on the webpage you'll see right after you submit your responses, in the red box.1. I know what I’m passionate about and what I want to focus on for my livelihood, versus what I want to keep as a hobby or outside interest.* Yes No 2. The skills I’m using in my work every day come easily and naturally to me.* Yes No 3. The people in my industry and my company (and those I work with) are generally people I respect, admire, and like.* Yes No 4. I have concrete, measurable and specific short-term and long-term goals for my career, and I know where I’m taking it.* Yes No 5. I am an active power networker, and focus on meeting and connecting with inspiring new people in my industry and beyond every month.* Yes No 6. I attend networking meetings, industry association meetings and regional and national conferences on a regular basis, to build a support community outside of those who work for my company.* Yes No 7. I am willing to put in 30 minutes a day to make important new connections on social networks such as LinkedIn to build my exposure and thought leadership.* Yes No 8. If I am considering a career change, I have developed a clear, well-informed plan that contains realistic financial and professional development goals, as well as a sound financial plan for my transition.* Yes No 9. I understand the critical ways I hold myself back (my “power gaps”) and am actively addressing them.* Yes No 10. I have both mentors and sponsors in my life who give me important feedback and have the power and influence to open new doors for me.* Yes No 11. I have a clear understanding of what it takes to build a successful career in my field.* Yes No 12. I’ve evaluated the various directions I could take with my career and professional skills – including corporate life, independent work, consulting, private practice, start up, entrepreneurial, etc. – and I understand which direction suits me the best at this time.* Yes No 13. I know what I have to do to create work-life balance and to integrate my life and work in ways I need to be happy and healthy, and have a detailed plan in place to maintain that balance.* Yes No 14. I feel that I can be real, authentic and myself at my work.* Yes No 15. I know how to promote myself, my work and my accomplishments, in a way that feels good, appropriate, and produces great, positive results.* Yes No 16. I ask for critique and feedback on a regular basis from my peers, my managers, my mentors and those who work for me, and I take action on that feedback.* Yes No 17. I am able to identify when I’m in my comfort zone, and I am committed to stretching out of it regularly, and know how to do that.* Yes No 18. I feel that my work is meaningful and I am making the impact I want to, in my organization, community and the world.* Yes No 19. I can identify the key warning signs that will tell me when and if I need to make a job or career change, and am ready to do what’s necessary if and when those signs present themselves.* Yes No 20. I am aware of the stress and strain I experience due to my work-life, and it is well within a manageable level.* Yes No 21. I am continually building on my skill set and capabilities so my skills and my value in the workforce won’t become outdated or obsolete.* Yes No 22. I have at least one role model for my professional life, and learn from this individual about how to craft a career that’s successful to me.* Yes No 23. I know how to determine who to remain connected with in my professional life, and who to walk away from, and I have the courage to walk away when necessary.* Yes No 24. I have a pathway for attaining the leadership, managerial and compensation level I want in my work.* Yes No 25. I am serving as a mentor of other individuals who need help on their professional path.* Yes No 26. My work interests me a great deal, and I feel there is enough content there of interest to sink my teeth into for the foreseeable future.* Yes No 27. I understand that changing careers or improving my existing one isn’t a quick-fix, silver-bullet solution. I have to address what isn’t going well first, and I’m in this for the long-haul.* Yes No 28. I have developed an updated and powerful resume, LinkedIn profile and other professional marketing materials that present a compelling, cohesive story of my abilities and accomplishments.* Yes No 29. I interview regularly at other firms or organizations, or if I own my own business, I regularly explore new partnerships, collaborations and affiliates, to build new pathways to opportunities that will expand my growth.* Yes No 30. I feel well supported by the people in my life so that I’m able to continue doing work I like as well as activities outside of work that I love.* Yes No To obtain your quiz score and results report, sign up below.Name* First Last Email Address*