In my numerous roles as career and executive coach, writer, speaker and professional trainer dedicated to women’s advancement in business, I have the good fortune of crossing paths with many entrepreneurial women who doing truly great things in the world. From building multimillion dollar enterprises, to creating groundbreaking new products and services, to sharing vitally important messages that transform the world, these women are making their marks in a very big way, and have powerful lessons to teach all of us who wish to do the same.
To support these women and to help other women come forward with their talents and gifts, I’m excited to announce the launch of my new series on my “Career Bliss” Forbes blog called “Entrepreneurial Women Rocking the World.” This series will highlight the stories and insights of famous and soon-to-be-famous women who are changing how things are done in the business world, shaping their own futures as they truly want them, and paving the way for all women who wish to create abundant success — financially, spiritually, personally and professionally.
My first post in the series highlights the accomplishments and lessons of celebrity hairstylist and successful entrepreneur Sally Hershberger. Here’s her story and her Top Seven Success Tips:
Top 7 Success Tips from Celebrity Hairstylist and Entrepreneur Sally Hershberger
Having met Sally in March and watching her in action, I immediately saw in her an energy that I admired and appreciated – she’s confident, authoritative, and commanding, but in a way that attracts you to her, not repels you. I hope you enjoy the piece, and are inspired by her journey and insights.
Please follow my Career Bliss blog and stay tuned for more features and stories about exciting entrepreneurial women including:
Tory Johnson
Mary Lou Quinlan
Sara Blakely
and many more!
And if you have suggestions for top entrepreneurial women you’d like to see highlighted and who are rocking your world, feel free to reach out and offer your recommendations. I’d love to hear from you.
Here’s to making our marks in the world, without reservation, fear or doubt. The time is now!