Breakthroughs, Careers, Empowerment, Feeling Your Best, Inspiration for Change, Kathy Caprino, Living Real, success What is Abundant Success to You? Written by: Kathy Caprino

In launching my new national research study on Women Succeeding Abundantly: Why and How They Do It, one key question we’re addressing is: What is abundant success to you?


Here’s my personal working definition:


Abundant success means that you are:

  • Confident and complete in who you are
  • Fully aligned and authentic in all roles you play in life and work
  • Deeply appreciated and valued
  • Comfortable, confident and empowered in your relationship with money
  • Earning exactly what you want to be earning
  • Outwardly honoring your inner values and principals
  • Living full-out, with passion, power, and purpose
  • Making a positive difference in the lives of others
  • Consciously stretching to your full potential
  • Aware of why you’re on the planet, and living that purpose
  • Conscious of the fact that you have full responsibility, ownership, and accountability for your life, and feel good about that knowledge
  • Having a great time living the abundant life you’ve created, on your terms

To me, if you can say these things about yourself, abundant success is yours!


Please share your unique definition of abundant success.  I’d love to hear.  What is it, and are you living it?  If not, why not?  And if you are living your version of abundant success, please write to me at  I’d love to interview you!


Thanks, and here’s to your abundant success,
