Advice The Power of Asking for Help Written by: Kathy Caprino

Greetings. As I’ve been speaking these days about Breakdown, Breakthrough with other authors, I’ve been truly awed by their generosity, openness, and support for this new author.  These open-hearted men and women around the country have given freely of their insights, guidance, and hard-earned lessons from their triumphs and “bumps” (my new favorite word!) in launching successful books and businesses.

I’ve wondered about this gift of connection and collaboration, and how new it feels for me.  I’ve also been quite startled by the feedback I’m receiving at my seminars.  People come up to tell me that they’re deeply moved by my “authenticity.”  When I ask them to elaborate, they share that, in their life and work, they feel surrounded by manipulation and a lack of forthrightness and candor, or sincere caring.  It seems to me that people are suffering today from an epidemic of inauthenticity.  When we encounter real openness in an individual, and experience their heart-felt wish to be of service through honesty and integrity, it’s a shock!  We’re so unused to it that we’re surprised at how inviting and enlivening it feels.

I’ve learned these past months that asking for help is one of the most powerful things I can do (despite my resistance to it).  Being honest about what I don’t know seems to have created a new space or what I call a “breakthrough” circle – a circle that invites in other like-minded individuals who wish to be open, supportive, and caring, simply because it feels so good to do so.

My recommendation is to ask for help today.  Be open about where you feel out of your comfort zone, where you need some guidance and support.  Don’t hold back or “hide.”  Coming forward openly will help you create your own breakthrough circle, right in your own backyard.

Many happy breakthroughs,