Empowering Mastermind Program and Support For Graduates of Kathy’s “The Most Powerful You” Course and Training
To support the continued growth and development of members who’ve completed Kathy’s training program “The Most Powerful You” and to offer affordable ongoing confidence- and professional- and leadership-growth support following graduation from the 8-week course, I’m thrilled to introduce the new The Most Powerful You Graduate Mastermind program.
This 6-month Mastermind experience offers 6 monthly, LIVE one-hour group calls that provide:
- Clarity – You’ll continue to refine your professional and personal visions and dreams, and get clearer on — and closer to — your ultimate goals for your best and happiest career and life. In the months following the course conclusion, as you share with other members your plans, triumphs and challenges, and learn from theirs, you’ll continue to leverage the wonderful alliances and support relationships that helped bolster your growth while you were in the course.
- Accountability – You have a hundred things to do and it’s easy to let a few of them slide till next week. Or the week after. This mastermind program will keep you on track and help you achieve what you want, in the most effective manner possible.
- Support – You’ll continue to enjoy your own team of personal cheerleaders, mentors and ambassadors, professional women who understand deeply your power- and confidence-growth journey and what you’re focused on now. Over the weeks in the MPY course, the group has become invested in each member’s success. In this mastermind experience, members help make sure their peers stay focused on what matters, and don’t succumb to the “bright shiny object” syndrome. You’ll have a place to continue to celebrate the little triumphs and overcome the harder times together. Group members are your biggest fans.
- Structure – This program provides an uplifting and structured way to continue your growth and connect with and learn from women who’ve been successful in closing their power gaps, and achieving more confidence, self-trust, communication strength, leadership vision and impact. Meeting every month for 6 months means there’s a great amount of time to continue your “most powerful you” learning and expansion, and implement your highest and most thrilling goals and potential.
- Hands-on help to becoming (and remaining) The Most Powerful, Confident You – The reality is that ALL big dreams and goals require more bravery, confidence, positive power, commitment and perseverance than we had before we birthed these dreams. Part of the journey to success is “finding brave” and accessing more confidence and clarity within yourself, and expanding and nurturing it every day. We’ll do that together in this special mastermind.
This program will help you reach your highest and most thrilling visions by providing six additional months (post-MPY) of ongoing support, accountability, and structure that align with your style, approach and needs.
Why Join The Most Powerful You Mastermind program? 
There are many aspects of growth, action, beliefs and mindset development involved in building our happiest, most rewarding and impactful careers and businesses.
Keeping up with your own development and expansion while juggling your other commitments can be overwhelming at times. And that’s before you’ve even made the changes you long to!
On top of that, not everyone understands what it truly takes to build an amazing, impactful career or build a successful new venture – perhaps you feel a bit isolated from people who really ‘get’ what you’re dealing with and understand the depth involved? I certainly felt that years ago when I was embarking on my own coaching business launch and development.
That’s why this Mastermind group of women who’ve already experienced the learning and group support of the MPY training course will continue to be transformative and helpful.
Who will run this Mastermind program?
The program will be facilitated by Kathy Caprino. But unlike The Most Powerful You training, these calls aren’t “curriculum-based” but follow a peer-to-peer and coaching/mentoring Mastermind approach used to help members address their challenges with input and support both from Kathy and from the other group members.
Here are some wonderful benefits of the Mastermind approach that was originated by Napolean Hill, the author of the powerful, bestselling book, Think and Grow Rich.
What will you get?
For $450 for the 6-month program (which amounts to about $75 a call), this Mastermind will keep you on track with support from both Kathy and the wonderful members from your particular cohort and other graduates of the MPY.
Sometimes we all need a gentle but firm push or advice for the tough days. Plus you’ll receive ongoing support and mentoring on the strategies, solutions and approaches to accessing more power, bravery, clarity, commitment and growth in your career or business.
Who will be in my group?
Each cohort of this women-only mastermind program will be offered to graduates of The Most Powerful You video or live course training, and will include graduates from up to several sessions of the course, for a maximum of 10 professional women in each mastermind.
What’s the schedule and frequency of meetings?
There will be numerous tracks running for the MPY Graduate Mastermind, allowing each course cohort to work together in a private group.
Typically, they run on one Wednesday of each month (mid-month) from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm EST. See below for details.
The scheduled dates for the upcoming WINTER 2025 Mastermind beginning January 15, 2025 are as follows:
Six (6) monthly calls on Wednesday evenings, 5pm to 6:00 pm EST:
January 15, 2025
February 12, 2025
March 12, 2025
April 16, 2025
May 14, 2025
June 11, 2025
What’s the price?
For $450 for six months, you’ll receive:
- One, 60-minute online call each month with your group and with Kathy Caprino as your facilitator
- Continued support in a special dedicated MPY Facebook group – where you can share your questions, issues and challenges and get hands-on support
- Ongoing connection and support from Kathy and your fellow MPY graduates who are happy to support you
Other important details to know:
- All active members will receive an email after each call, giving you access to the video and audio recording of the call. So no worries if you have to miss one.
- The feedback given to address one member’s challenge is often perfectly relevant and important for numerous other members, so we all learn by being part of the group.
- You may leave the group at any time, but the fee to participate is an upfront payment of $450 (or via a 2-month payment plan) and refunds are not available given the limited availability of spots. Only active members will have access to ongoing calls and recordings, and to the Facebook group.
I’m looking forward to supporting MPY graduates with this powerful mastermind approach to helping you achieve your most exciting goals and visions and keep your confidence, impact, fulfillment and success in your work at the highest level.
Sign up today for the Winter 2025 session now and see you on the next call!