WORK With Kathy – A LinkedIn “Top Voice” and Globally Top-Ranked Career and Leadership Coach for Professional Women, Helping Them Advance, Thrive and Make The Impact They Long to
A sampling of organizations my clients have worked for:
To explore working together and to request a FREE Career Strategy call with Kathy, please follow these steps below:
STEP #1:
Review Kathy’s top-ranked programs below (visit Kathy’s Career Help page for a full list of programs):
Private, 1;1 Coaching:
– One-Hour Career Consultation
– Accelerate Your Job Search Success
– Career & Leadership Breakthrough coaching program
– Build Your Confidence, Impact and Self-Esteem At Work
– The Most Powerful and Confident You in Life and Work
(For Speaking, Workshop and Executive Training services for organizations, please CLICK HERE to learn more)
STEP #2:
If any of these offerings are a good fit with your needs, please complete Kathy’s Coaching form at the bottom of this page. (Note: Kathy is happy to support professional men’s success and growth too!)
Once the above steps are completed and you’ve sent over your Coaching application, Kathy will review your responses within 48 hours and email you back with recommended follow-ups and some helpful career growth resources, including a link to book a FREE 20-minute Career Call if she’s a strong fit with your coaching needs.
Thank you!
And get a 30-day free trial of Kathy’s new digital career coaching tool ‘Kathy Caprino AI’ as a supplemental career support resource for you!
Use coupon code ‘KCFREETRIALAI’ today!
Affordable, accessible hands-on career and professional growth answers are HERE —available 24/7 at your fingertips!
Introducing Kathy Caprino AI—your on-demand digital tool for expert career and leadership growth advice, tips and support. This is a terrific add-on tool to Kathy’s 1:1 coaching, courses and training, to help you get the answers you need 24/7, at your fingertips.
Powered by over 2.5 million words of Kathy’s acclaimed content viewed by over 41 million readers/listeners, and hundreds of transformational programs, Kathy Caprino AI delivers helpful guidance that’s helped thousands of professionals worldwide rise and thrive in their careers.
Audio chat or text Kathy’s digital tool anytime day or night to get personalized, actionable support for your career and professional goals. Become an annual subscriber and get some powerful career-boosting bonuses including live coaching calls and extra support from Kathy too!
CLICK HERE to learn more and subscribe today. Two affordable tiers to choose from.
Join the Kathy ‘Career Breakthrough’ level and receive some amazing bonuses including monthly free LIVE coaching calls with Kathy! Jump on this tool now and get instant answers to your more important career questions and challenges.
What Kathy’s personal one-on-one coaching offers and delivers:
In the last 17 years, I’ve helped over 20,000 professional women and men across 6 continents build more rewarding, exciting careers of significance that they deeply value. My focus is on supporting emerging and seasoned leaders and managers from virtually every major industry experience true breakthrough – to a higher level of confidence, impact, strategic vision, executive presence, communication efficacy, relational success, and ultimate contribution that generates:
- Greater reward, fulfillment and impact doing meaningful work
- Advancement to leadership with greater compensation and influence
- Stronger performance results
- Healthier, more positive and supportive work relationships
- Powerful mentor and sponsor connections
- Expanded executive presence
- Higher interviewing success
- More impactful leadership and communication, building stronger and more cohesive teams and workplaces
Overall, you’ll build a career and professional life that aligns with your core values, interests and personal goals, bringing more joy, reward, fulfillment and personal success to your life. And you’ll close the 7 damaging power and confidence gaps so you can make faster headway toward the goals you care about most.
My Career and Leadership Breakthrough Coaching Programs have helped thousands of professionals close their power gaps to become braver, more self-confident, strategic, impactful, and, ultimately, more successful in all they do.
The ultimate result:
My clients experience true breakthrough – building happier, more rewarding and successful careers and professional lives on their terms. They grow in their leadership, communication, strategic vision, managerial strength and more – making a greater positive impact, with financial and personal reward – helping others rise as they rise.
For testimonials and praise for my work, please click here, and visit my LinkedIn profile.
Thank you for your interest, and hope to be of service soon!
P.S. Once you complete the coaching app below, we’ll automatically add you to my 6-day Amazing Career Challenge email series, which is chock-full of helpful resources, information and strategies to help you uplevel your career. Thanks so much for joining my career growth community!
Ready for your career breakthrough? Please complete the Coaching application here:
Recent testimonials:
“Working with Kathy is a life-changing experience… She’s so authentic and in this day and age when so many people are just not themselves and don’t dare to be who they are in the world, Kathy is a gem. She turns up every day her true self and walks the talk of Finding Brave…and I admire her profoundly. I will always be grateful to Kathy for the time she spent with us on this program.”
“Kathy Caprino has helped me so much in my career! Thanks for give me courage to believe in myself NOW!””
“I got more out of one hour with Kathy than six months with another coach (and therapist)!”
“Now I understand what Kathy means when she talks about having a “breakthrough” moment. I had one on our very first session! This is the best investment I have EVER made in myself!”
“When I learned of your coaching program, I was living in Shanghai and really struggling with my career. At the time, it sounded like a near impossible endeavor, but thanks to your coaching I am now attending the University of Notre Dame law school working toward my dream career! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You really gave me the push I needed to believe that I had the power to take the reins and change the trajectory of my career and my life. I frequently find myself thinking back to our conversations and drawing strength from the guidance you gave me. I can’t thank you enough for helping me get the confidence to take the first step on this journey. It’s been an incredible ride!”
“I talk about and reflect on Kathy’s program often. It was a game changer for me in building my confidence and shifting my mindset in such a way that I am embracing my work and have a vision for how to continue making it what I want it to be. I feel much more in control of my career. I can’t thank you enough!”
“Kathy Caprino is the real deal. You’ll love her mind and her heart. What she offers to career women is data driven, yet practical in its application. I encourage you to take advantage of her programs and live the life you were meant to live.”
“Figuring out how to get the most out of your career is no easy task. Amidst feelings of uncertainty, fear, or simply a desire for more, there is no better guide than Kathy. Her programs give you practical tools to help you create the life you’ve dreamed of living–and achieve happiness and success like never before!”
“Kathy Caprino knows her stuff. She’s a leading thinker on women and success, and a trusted guide through the process of taking control of your career and getting what you want. Her advice and insights will help you reach the next level.”
For more testimonials and endorsements, click here and visit my LinkedIn profile.