Feeling Your Best, Inspiring Thoughts, Kathy Caprino, Mother's Day, Uncategorized Honoring the Loving Mother in You Written by: Kathy Caprino

Happy Mother’s Day to you!

Mother’s Day is a time of honoring and appreciating our mothers and what they have done, given, and sacrificed for us. If you are a mother, I hope you are being showered with love and appreciation this weekend.

I wonder too if we could take some time to appreciate how we have mothered ourselves into being; how despite the many deep challenges we’ve faced these past several years, we haven’t stop nurturing, guiding, and loving our own spirits, and believing in ourselves.  We haven’t given up, even when the times have been so hard. 

So often people focus on what’s terrible today, and how the world and its people are flawed.  To me, we simply don’t talk enough about how we’ve persevered, how we’ve grown through the crises, and how we’ve learned what we’re really made of, through these trying times.

Perhaps we could make today about appreciating the process of mothering, not just of the world’s children, but of our own spirits too.  Here’s a little affirmation we can say today:

“I am a loving and nurturing mother to myself. I always do the best I can. I am aware of my gaps and dedicate myself to my continued growth. I am growing in my loving acceptance and validation of myself (and others) each day.”

Today, let’s thank all those who’ve been mothers to us in one way or another throughout our lives – those who’ve helped “mother” our spirits, gifts, and creative endeavors into being.

But also let’s take a moment to feel deep love and appreciation for the mothers inside of us – for the part of us that pours forth with support, encouragement, kindness, and gentleness — and keeps the love flowing — even in the most challenging of times.

Sending love to you this Mother’s Day.