Advice, Breakthroughs, Kathy Caprino, success, Support for Change, Tips for Empowerment Get Over Yourself and Get Going Written by: Kathy Caprino

Hi Friends – happy to share that published my piece “Get Over Yourself and Get Going” today – about the secret sauce to real, heartfelt and authentic success.  I’m not talking here about the kind of success that makes you happy for one second, then flits off like a firefly.  I’m talking about success that fills you up, makes you feel whole, reinforces what matters, strengthens you, and reminds you why you’re on the planet now, even during these terribly trying times.

Here’s the piece:

I’ve thought long and hard over these past years of reinvention about success.  My goodness…my vision and worldview about success have changed dramatically.  Frankly, my views about success keep morphing, but one thing I know for sure – if you don’t have deep and powerful clarity about what a joyful, successful life is for you, then “success” is elusive at best.

Hope this story spurs some action and reaction.  Please comment and share! Do you think it might be time to name and claim your heartfilled visions of success?  Let’s make 2011 the year we all get over ourselves and get going!

Love and success to you in 2011,