Advice, Careers, Empowerment, Inspiration for Change, Support for Change, Women in Leadership What Employers Can (and Must) Do To Support Women at Work Written by: Kathy Caprino

 I recently penned a cover article called “Women in Today’s Workforce Have Unique Opportunities: A New Call to Action for Women – And Employers” for CA Employer, the monthly newsletter of Employers Group (


The article shares critical information about the 12 common crises working women face today, as well as 8 recommended approaches for employers to take that will help women not only survive the current challenges they face, but ultimately thrive in their professional roles.  These recommendations are based on six years of research with professional women, as well as coaching and seminar work with thousands.


I’d love your views about this article, and my recommendations.  Do your personal experiences as a working woman match the crises and challenges I describe?  And do you believe that the initiatives recommended would go the distance in helping you as a working woman overcome your challenges effectively?  If not, what would you suggest employers do – specifically and tactically – to support women in overcoming the obstacles they face.


Please share your experiences, insights and viewpoints.  Add your voice to the discussion, and your recommendations to the research.  Diversity of thinking is so vital today, and a real, authentic, and contemporary dialogue about what career women are facing is needed.


Thank you speaking up and being an active participant in this powerful breakthrough movement for women.